I know it's getting time to look for Memory Care. We have a Living Trust in place for quite a number of years. How do I go about payment with this in place? I know this preserves our assets as I and our daughter still have to live. At what point would he go on Medicaid? Right now he's receiving social security, his military, and VA pensions. He has a 70 % disability rating which I'm trying to upgrade to 100% this will give me more income when he passes. I'm also looking into some VA reimbursement for my time to pay for all the gas and time it takes shuttling him to appointments, picking up medications, etc.
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I am just venting …. I need my coffee.
First I'll speak with the attorney who did our trust for his advice and go from there. He may well have an Elder Law attorney he works with if he doesn't know how to navigate the VA and Medicaid system.
I was made Trustee of Trust for my brother when he had a diagnosis of probable early Lewy's Dementia. His assets were all drawn into his Trust, including his checking account which was titled "In the Trust of (his name). He made me the Trustee. I paid all his bills for Assisted Living and etc. our of this Trust.
When any work is done making out papers for Medicaid or for VA, your husband's Trust is listed as titled I do believe.
Because this knowledge is CRUCIAL to get right I recommend you see an attorney. This is not something you can afford to make a mistake on. Please see an elder law attorney because the opinions of people on a forum are just that, opinions.
You REALLY need to get a well qualified elder law attorney in your state who understands how these systems work.
Most Memory Care facilities are private pay and do not accept Medicaid. I believe you'd do well to look at VA facilities and at NHs with dementia units.
Just and FYI, you can NOT get both full VA and medicaid benefits. You will lose all but 90.00 of VA benefits if you double dip and get medicaid.
As far as your daughter needing his assets to survive, she really should have a job for that.
As said, this is really an elder lawyer thing. One who is not just versed in Medicaid but VA rules too.
In addition, look at places where you might be able to place your husband. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming.
Once you know of your choices and a possible plan or plans, your stress levels will go down considerably, even if you do not take any action on the plan.
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