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mmshoop7 Asked October 2023

Is there any home care that medicare will pay?

GrannyinVA Oct 2023
No, there Medicare only plays for Home Health, and those agencies may include some in home (no clinical) care. On the other hand, Medicaid does provide care, but you essentially have to meet some stringent wealth and income requirements to qualify, In addition, the reimbursement rates for Medicaid are abysmal and caregivers barely make over minimum wage. So, essentially, you get what you pay for.

TouchMatters Oct 2023
Contact medicare and ask them.
Google and see what comes up.

Get it all in writing.


MACinCT Oct 2023
Medicare is medical insurance for illness. Custodial care will be very limited after a hospitalization and depending on the hospitalization.

Llamalover47 Oct 2023
mmshoop7: Utilize the website.

Renee7777 Oct 2023
You must check on rules and regs for Medicare. These are federal regulations which all states must abide by. Then check on the rules and regs of the state you live in. Also, must check on loved one's health insurance. In the case of my 93 yr. old mother in Illinois, she decided to go into assisted living. She got to the point she needed more care than someone coming in 2-3 times per day. Fortunately, she paid some people to come help her when she needed it. At the end, as POA I called in hospice but they declined because mother was going to get a pacemaker. Hospice will only assist if the client has accepted they are dying and they want to be comfortable in the process. This could be 4 months to 2 yrs. or more with the hospice in Illinois. All states are different as well as all counties in each state.
Jdjn99 Oct 2023
Once mom gets the pacemaker she will be hospice eligible. They just don’t want to be financially responsible and Medicare will not pay twice. A pacemaker dies not preclude hospice, it won’t prolong life with a terminal illness.
Dupedwife Oct 2023
Medicare will pay for ADL as long as the patient is “home bound”, and it must be authorized by a doctor or nurse practitioner. The ADL is on an intermittent or part-time basis which is usually about 8 hours a day but not more than 35 hours a week.

You can go to to get information on this service.

KNance72 Oct 2023
Thru the senior home care I got a CNA for bathing and light housekeeping that came twice a week . VNA can be covered of medication is involved and your Doctor writes the script - same for PT can be done in Home too and covered

HappyGirl2213 Oct 2023
I looked into this as well. Medicare will only pay for homecare (as in a personal care attendant who may or may not do light housekeeping) if and only if skilled medical care is also provided by a nurse/doctor. There is no support from government that I can find for plain old caregiving that would help someone stay in their own home to do things they can no longer do well for themselves.
Lymie61 Oct 2023
Unfortunately it really depends on the state you live in. We get a caregiver (not 24/7) that is paid for through Agency on Aging in CT. But of course it’s all based on the patients finances and needs.
WhyStay Oct 2023
Home Health, which is covered by Medicare, must have a “skilled nursing need” and be ordered by a Dr to qualify. This can be rehab after surgery, or something like wound care. Once admitted, there can be skilled nursing, PT, OT, CNA or social work that can be attending to the patient. They all report to the primary care physician. There will be assessments and recertifications, to determine if the patient should be discharged from care.

Sample Oct 2023
Yes they paid for nurse visits. And in the end they paid for hospice care.

Tired62 Oct 2023
You can (if you're lucky) find a retired RN who'd like to earn money on the side visit. We did this for a few years before AL and paid her (and kept record of) out of parent's account. This worked out very well for a time. Not everyone has that resource though. When one of my parents had to have hip surgery, Medicare paid for it for 45 days when recovering in a facility all that time. They would have paid for further physical therapy, but my parent refused it.

Grandma1954 Oct 2023
You do not give any details but..
Medicare, Medicaid does cover Hospice.
You would have a Nurse that would come at least 1 time a week. A CNA that would come 2 to 3 times a week to bathe or shower the patient.
A Social Worker and a Chaplain would also be part of the Team.
And you can request a Volunteer that can come. They can do no "hands on care" though.
You would have all the medications and supplies delivered. This is all covered.

If you are looking for a caregiver that would be paid for by the patient/family.
If ordered by a doctor some care would be covered.
BurntCaregiver Nov 2023

I've had many dealings with Hospice At Home and it's a total joke. Yes, they will order supplies and medications for a patient.
Don't depend on them though because getting them to keep up on supply ordering is next to impossible.

If a person is looking for eldersitting hours (and I find most are) their best bet is to hire privately from a caregiver website and pay privately.
BurntCaregiver Oct 2023
Medicare will pay for some homecare if a doctor orders it. Usually it's a bath aide that will come a couple times a week. Or for a visiting nurse to stop in once or twice a week for 15 minutes. If it's a post-rehab stay sometimes they pay for a few physical therapy sessions too.

Medicare does not pay for eldersitting or companionship hours.


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