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JayBoZ69in Asked October 2023

Trusted caregiver pay.

My fience is my caregiver
How do I get her paid for the JOB of attending to me?

JoAnn29 Oct 2023
Call Office of Aging to see if there are any resourses you can get.

SnoopyLove Oct 2023
Hi, Jay. First I would delete your personal contact info from your profile to protect your privacy.

Are you on Medicaid? If so, it seems like home caregivers are available for people who qualify but I’m not clear if family can apply to be a caregiver. I would contact Medicaid in WV to find out:

Here is another website I found that lists more options for West Virginia that could be helpful:'re%20caring%20for,%2C%20and%20personal%20care%2Fhygiene.

Best wishes to you.


olddude Oct 2023
Open up your checkbook and write a check.


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