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MsQuetta0753 Asked October 24, 2023

Would like a list of home caregivers. So I can check out on-line! I do not want to receive 10 phone calls like I did yesterday!

Can you provide me a list of local care providers who have high ratings??

MACinCT Oct 28, 2023
Google the closest professional caregivers near you or contact your local social services in your area for a list of providors. Using professional services means that the caregivers are already vetted. You will still have to take time to speak to the services. as far as ratings for private people it is like roulette. A private caregiver may have been off the market because they may spend years with a client. Do not expect to find many ratings and any caregivers. Private persons are not businessess and you will have to provide taxes and maybe insurance if you hire one. Services may have ratings but you will not be able to find ratings on their hired staff, again because they are not private businesses
JoAnn29 Oct 28, 2023
An employer has to have a certain amount of employees before they need to offer insurance, I think its 15. Another way of getting away with it is hiring p/t only which is under 35 hrs.
Sendhelp Oct 28, 2023
Had a similar issue with
Talking to strangers, talk, talk, talk.
Some were obvious scammers.
Absolutely no protection for the consumer-and I was searching for someone else!


LilyLavalle Oct 28, 2023
I made the same mistake, contacted an agency online and now have been on call lists for 3 months now! The best thing to do is get recommendations from your loved ones recent providers. If they have been to a hospital, rehab or involved with any other agency, ask them to provide you with a list. It involves you making a lot of calls, but at least you will stop bing harassed every day. Good luck, it’s not easy.

anonymous1732518 Oct 24, 2023
There may not be ratings there but

You get photos, what the carer does and have options such as picking a gender.

JoAnn29 Oct 24, 2023
Sorry this is a forum of Caregivers, mostly from all over the US. There is no "list" that we can give you for ur particular area. I will report your post and maybe an Administrator can help you.

AlvaDeer Oct 24, 2023
If you don't want the calls never reach out to an agency whose job it is/work it is to notify providers of your needs.
If you don't want phone calls tell them that your elder is on medicaid and you won't hear another PEEP. You will move to the list of the "unwanted" very fast.
If you don't want phone calls the best way forward will be to do your own footwork. Go online and look up, make a list of all the facilities. Make a list of your elder's assets. Check out each agency one at a time by phone, by zoom, by virtual tours and by computer as you wish.

Remember that when you post here you are just venting to a whole world full of caregivers. While the admins are part of a larger organization known as A Place For Mom, they are not a part of those of us answering you here. We have no control over who calls you whatsoever. We are just folks caring for our own elders. If you answer an ad on the page, that is a seperate entity reaching out to you, not this forum.

Wishing you the very best. It's a lot of footwork.
Invisible0ne Oct 29, 2023
Oh you had me laughing out loud with your comment that mentioning the magic word “ Medicaid ” will put a stop to the phone calls. Ain’t nothing truer ever said!
Thanks for the laugh! 🤭


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