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TonyaAlbright Asked November 2023

I am new to all this, Where do I start my search for help with my mom? She can not walk and both of her wheelchairs no longer work.

Her chairs she had purchased from others, they no longer work. She had one they would rise up to help her in and out of her chair and to give her more freedom to cook and do things she use to do. The push chairs are of no use. Her left leg as the Drs. Said is dead. She is 83 and lives at home. Mendon, Michigan. She has her sister living with her but is rarely home till 9:30 pm she is 80

I am looking for help to find or borrow long term power wheelchair.

She has no Dr. As she moved back home after my father’s death in Florida. It is pretty hard to get her around. Any help would be greatly appreciate.

Thank you,


JoAnn29 Nov 2023
Try Medicare for a scooter.
See if there is a durable equipment store near you. Some repair wheelchairs.

KNance72 Nov 2023
medicare will cover a wheel chair she needs a primary care doctor to write the script
JoAnn29 Nov 2023
Seems the ones she gad are speciaized. Medicare may only cover the basic wheelchair.


AlvaDeer Nov 2023
Having no doctor when you are wheelchair bound isn't a good way to do this.
A doctor can not only order rehab and PT help in rehab or in home, but can also start the work toward guiding you to social services that can help with getting needed equipment if you cannot afford to buy it.
Start with good medical care and diagnosis by a doctor would be my advice.
As to wheelchair, there may be places in your town or city, medical supply places especially, that can help guide you to charities. Call your local counsel on the aging for some suggestions.
The internet in your area, any sites such as NextDoor are good outreach ideas.

Sure do wish you good luck in your search.

LoopyLoo Nov 2023
You need to get her set up with a local doctor first. Does she not have Medicare?

I can’t imagine of any possibility to borrow a power chair long term.
MJ1929 Nov 2023
My parents' community had a service that loaned medical equipment to local residents free of charge. My mother had her wheelchair for almost 10 years.

When she died and I returned it I made sure to give them a donation to buy several of those transport chairs, because hers had peen run into the ground.


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