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jswjr103 Asked November 7, 2023

My name was listed on the checking account that my mother had. She recently died. She had a credit line attached to that checking account.

I'm pretty sure that I never personally signed anything requesting that line of credit.At her death she had $200.00 in her checking account but had a $1,000 balance on her credit line. I know her $200 would have to go towards paying her credit line balance but will I be obligated to pay the $800 difference due to the fact that my name is listed on the checking account? All of this is in N.C.

Debbiespain Nov 7, 2023
You are not responsible in that aspect.

JoAnn29 Nov 7, 2023
I would say if you did not sign anything that you are not responsible but your Moms estate is.


AlvaDeer Nov 7, 2023
A question for a banker involved in all this. I am uncertain of what attachment this line of credit has to a checking account itself. You will need to make an appointment with a bank officer.
You say you were "listed" on a bank account. Listed as WHAT? Were you a co-owner of the account, or simple the POA? These are things we cannot guess at. Make an appt. with a bank officer today.


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