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tbevan25 Asked November 2023

My mom, who is in the moderate stage of Alzheimer's, has gotten herself worked up twice this week over her diet and her breathing.

On Tuesday, my mother was convinced she was clogged up in her intestinal tract and that she was having trouble breathing. She became so convinced of this that she had a panic attack and got very upset. Getting upset made her think she had to work harder to breathe. She had had pasta to eat on Tuesday and did not each that much. My dad and I eventually got her to change into her nightgown and she settled down. Tonight, she exhibited the same feelings which started after she had tried to go the bathroom for a half hour. She got very upset again and also said she could not breathe. My father and I got her to take a laxative, but my father also said she had not eaten much today which also causes your stomach to contract. She was able to calm down tonight. Has anyone had this experience with a relative or someone they are caring for? My father said my mom was hallucinating the other night and so he was worried about Lewy Body Dementia.

AlvaDeer Nov 2023
If this is new it is somewhat an emergency medical problem.
There may be a bladder infection, which can cause a whole lot of mental distress, even hallucinations and agitation.

You can get a simple dipstick from the pharmacy to measure for nitrites and leukocytes in the urine which would indicate infection. But take a sample of urine clean catch to lab. Call your MD today. This isn't something people on a Forum can guess about; it's something you need an expert medical opinion on. Hope you will update us.

funkygrandma59 Nov 2023
I would have your father talk to your mothers neurologist about putting your mother on some type of anti-anxiety medications to help keep her calm, as it sounds like this could be what is called sun downing. There are also some medications available to help with the hallucinations, so it may be time for your mother to see her doctor to make everyone's lives a little bit easier.


BarbBrooklyn Nov 2023
A sudden change of mental status should be reported to her doctor immediately. UTIs can cause sudden confusion. They can also turn septic with frightening speed.

Please have dad report mom's symptoms to her doctor this morning.

LoopyLoo Nov 2023
A mild anti-anxiety med could help. Not to sedate her, but take the edge off.


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