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Sdaughter Asked December 2023

Mom's assisted living says Halo bed rail only one allowed...

My mother's new assisted living facility is in Georgia and told me the bed rail that she has is not allowed and I must purchase a Halo bed rail. That's the only brand they allow in assisted living. When I looked it up to purchase, the cost is insane! On Amazon they start at $400 and go up from there. They also have several different models that may or may not fit on my mother's bed. And if you have to make a return there is a 35% restocking fee. I tried to find a local medical supply store to go look at one and he said that they charge $900 for them. Is there something I'm missing here? It's plastic and metal right? Why the huge cost? I'm willing to do anything to help my mom but I can't be the only person struggling with the price of these rails??

Grandma1954 Jan 2024
I thought when I answered that your mom had a Hospital bed.
I do hope the one you ordered will work on a hospital bed.
Transitioning to a hospital bed might be a good move.
They are much more cleanable than a regular bed and mattress.
They are adjustable so it is easier to get in and out of.
And when and if it gets to the point where mom needs more care in bed it is easier and safer for caregivers.

I hope the one you ordered works well for you.

JoAnn29 Jan 2024
I had the same thing at my Moms AL. She had a small 18 in wide one to help her pull herself up because of a lower back injury. My DD thinks I could have questioned it because it was for a medical purpose. It did not keep her from being able to get out of bed safely and no way her head would gave gotten stuck. It was not near her head. She had been using it for over a year. My DD also felt that as an AL a resident has a right to use what they want in a room tgey are paying for.


cwillie Dec 2023
All medical devices are over priced in the first place, people will argue that it's a health and safety thing but heavy industrial equipment also must meet safety standards and items that perform similar functions are almost always a fraction of the cost. As for the bed assist rail - IMO it's a racket plain and simple. There are literally hundreds (perhaps thousands) of bed assist rails on the market and limiting you to one extremely over priced brand likely means someone somewhere along the way is getting kickbacks for that exclusivity.
Sdaughter Jan 2024
That's exactly what I thought too. Somebody is benefitting from that somewhere!
Ohwow323 Dec 2023
Try getting a bed topper. I bought one for my dad he could not roll out of the bed. I purchased it at Bed, Body and Bath its called Subrtex Gel-infused Memory Foam Mattress Topper and right now its on sale for 80.00. I would screenshot it for you but this site does not allow it. This item kind of enveloped him so he could not get out of the bed without help.
Sdaughter Jan 2024
Thank you for answering. Good suggestion, but she needs a handle to hold onto so that won't do it unfortunately.
Grandma1954 Dec 2023
I did a quick search (Google) and the price I see is between $125 for a different brand the Halo is $180 used and the new ones run around $300.
This should be covered if it is a required medical device. (check with Medicare/Medicaid and her insurance.)

Why the huge cost?...because it is a medical device and for some reason all things like that are outrageously priced. Probably because Medicare/Medicaid pick up the cost or at least part of it. Anything that is not covered many people use Flex Spending Accounts or deduct it on Taxes.
Sdaughter Jan 2024
Thanks for your response. I checked and Medicare does not cover it. She doesn't have a flex spending account and can't deduct it on taxes. I was finally able to find a used one on Ebay for a good price. It's on it's way to us. It was harder to find because she had to have one just made for a regular bed (almost all of them were for hospital beds). Hopefully, this used one will do the job.


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