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dnajaras Asked December 17, 2023

Hidden bank account. What are they and how does one find them?

I hear about hidden bank accounts that seniors or POA may have. What are they and how does one discover them?

JoAnn29 Dec 18, 2023
As POA I was able to have the bank Mom went to bring up all her accts they had with her. That included her CDs. You as a healthcare proxy can do nothing. The only way you may find out any financial info is when Mom passes. Then as a beneficiary or an Executor you can ask for an accting of the POAs spending.

pamzimmrrt Dec 17, 2023
My ILs had a heck of a time when her brother passed, he had accounts at banks all over our town! They looked through his mail to find statements, and even took him to many banks ( before he passed) to see if he had any. Also those "unclaimed" records that are posted yearly. Good luck!!


AlvaDeer Dec 17, 2023
Google "How to find hidden assets," D.
Ask your bank officer how to do this as well.
You tube has whole videos on "How to find hidden bank accounts".
The internet is your friend.

Geaton777 Dec 17, 2023
If you search "How to find hidden bank accounts" a wealth of info comes up. Everything from lawyer blogs to YouTube "how to videos" to articles, etc.

BarbBrooklyn Dec 17, 2023
You use a forensic accountant.


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