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ksueker Asked December 2023

How does the Medicaid Lookback period treat reimbursements?

For the past 5 years I have purchased groceries, personal items, furniture, etc. for my house-bound 90-year-old mother from my checking account then, she has reimbursed me from her checking account. I did not keep receipts as we never thought she would survive long enough to need long term care or medicaid. I am now applying urgently for Medicaid because she had to go into long term care and don't know if they will penalize her for the reimbursements. My checking account would match most of the reimbursements other than $2K she gave me for caring for her all of these years so she could stay independant. Any advice before I submit the Medicaid application?

MACinCT Dec 2023
I kept recipts and placed them into mom's files when she reimbursed me.

JoAnn29 Dec 2023
I always kept receipts when I reimbursed myself from Moms acct. Once a month I would write a check, put the receipts in an envelope with the month and number of the check. Small expeditures may not be noticed but the furniture ones maybe if large. Maybe you can get copies from where u bought it. Show the statement of ur credit card if used. What will happen will be Mom is penalized for a period of time. It will all depend on how much u spent. Just fill out the paperwork and let them ask the questions.


AlvaDeer Dec 2023
Without receipts and without care contract agreements they may well look on it as gifting. What proof do you have that it is otherwise? Much of this will be dependent on amounts and sizes she was reimbursing. And this is why record keeping is so very very important.


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