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Project12 Asked January 2024

I am joint POA with my sister and recently mom was put into a memory care facility. Should I have signed the application and lease?

Also, should we legally be signing checks with both of our names on the account? The unfortunate part is we both are owners already on the account.

againx100 Jan 2024
If your POA is activated then it should be fine to sign the application and lease. I did that at my mom's AL, as her POA. I sign my name followed by POA for my mom's name. That's what our atty said to do.

AlvaDeer Jan 2024
The fact that you are "owners" on the account means that already you don't understand enough about being POA. There is already a lot "going wrong here".
As POA you both have the right to consult an elder law attorney. Please do so to learn how to do this legal fiduciary responsibility correctly. As they always say "Ignorance is no excuse before the law" and the work you are doing requires meticulous accounting and record keeping.

I could go on as to how accounts should be titled, who should sign, how should they sign, how many people should function at once as POA (the best and most normal way is that one is POA and another is the "second"; other ways are exceptionally troublesome and open to argument (not a good thing). But in lieu of that, given that there is an overall lack of knowledge here, I need to advise you research how to do POA, speak to bankers about serving as POA on accounts, speak to an attorney and or accountant on how to keep files and records, and if BOTH are equally serving, how to assign duties and make decisions.

Reaching out to an elder forum is well and fine. But you must understand we don't know you, can't see your POA document, don't know how it is made, when or by whom, and in our ignorance could quide you the wrong way.

Please start by scheduling a meeting this week with the bank offices and making an appt. with an elder law attorney. I did this job, and it isn't easy, and you honestly need to know the legalities of it.

Meanwhile do know that when you sign FOR your loved one AS his/her POA you sign THEIR NAME followed by YOUR NAME with the addition of "as attorney in fact" or "as POA".


MeDolly Jan 2024
For checks and JTWOS only one signature is required. If joint on POA it is not necessary but for your peace of mind you can either sign or send your sister an email stating that you are in agreement with placing your mother.


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