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kattennant Asked January 7, 2024

Family member took away special phone for my blind mother and now she cannot call anyone.

My nephew took away my mothers special cell phone that was set up for her as she is blind. No we she cannot call anyone. Who can I report this to.

MACinCT Jan 8, 2024
If it has value you report to the police

Midkid58 Jan 8, 2024
As a nephew (your mom's grandson, right?) he really has zero voice in mom's care. But then, we've heard weirder things on this site.

I'd first approach him and give him a chance to explain (short!!) and get the phone back. Curious as to why he felt the need to take it from mom.

While this may or may not be 'legal' it's bordering on being abusive.

My YB took my mom's landline away and got her a cell phone. She was never able to really use it properly. She begged to have her landline re-connected and he wouldn't allow it. To this day, IDK why.

I think it was simply another 'control' he wanted to have over her.
againx100 Jan 8, 2024
Maybe he did not understand and accept that it was too hard for her. Arrogance I guess. Most of us are doing it the other way - taking away the cell phone that's become too difficult and replacing it with a good old land line.


Southernwaver Jan 8, 2024
Tell him he has 4 hours to return it or you are filing a police report for theft.

MAYDAY Jan 8, 2024
It almost sounds like a really sick joke.
Your sibling’s son…
your mom’s grandson took the phone…
how old is he?
well, cancel that phone, tell phone company it was lost and/danaged, yiu need a new one

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 8, 2024
I agree with others who posted that you need to speak with your nephew to find out why he took the phone away. Do you know the reason why he would do this?

JoAnn29 Jan 7, 2024
Is she in an AL or living independently? Is he her POA.

A while back it was suggested to an OP take the phone away from her LO to keep them from making inappropriate calls. The OP came back and said that in her state it was illegal to leave someone without a phone. You may want to check if there is such a law in ur State.
againx100 Jan 7, 2024
I have the Telecalm service on my mom's phone. You can restrict the incoming/outgoing calls and how many times they can call the same number within a certain time period, etc.

OP - how do you know nephew took her phone? Have you talked to him? Did he steal it or remove due to her being unable to use it or was she misusing it or is he just a jerk??
AlvaDeer Jan 7, 2024
Did you speak with Nephew about this?
What did he say?
Does Mom have dementia?
Was Mom using the phone inappropriately that you know of?
Does Mom live with nephew?
We need a bit more information and explanation.

lealonnie1 Jan 7, 2024
You can report it to nobody. Confront your nephew who doesn't have the right to do such a thing. Find out his reasoning behind removing her phone as well. Was she calling 911? Is dementia involved? Did he just do this to be mean?

Fawnby Jan 7, 2024
Why don't you ask the nephew to give the phone back? Why did he take it away?


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