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Mikulak Asked January 2024

As a caregiver how can I get help filing my taxes?

My husband is on disability and we have been taking care of his Mom and Dad who has dementia for the last 3 years. Our health insurance has gone up and groceries has made things impossible and I heard if we claim Mom and Dad as dependents we qualify for AZ access insurance and help with groceries.

MACinCT Jan 2024
If you claim them then they need Medicaid, you need to determine how this will affect the application

newbiewife Jan 2024
If you're looking for help preparing your taxes, AARP has free tax aide volunteer tax preparation. (I'm a volunteer.) You can start calling for appointments starting on January 15th. Even if your only income is social security or disability income, it's worth filing your income taxes because a lot of states have programs that are tied to tax filing.

In a nutshell, if you provide more than half of support for your parent(s) you can claim them as a dependent. Their income can't be over $4,000 but that does not include social security. If they live with you, the housing you provide is considered as part of the support. If they don't live with you, you'd have to be able to prove that you are providing more than half of the $$ supporting them.

I'm not familiar with the AZ access program, but just looked it up online and it's Arizona's Medicaid program, i.e., health coverage for low income people. I would think you would need to apply directly to them for assistance. And that program doesn't covers groceries. Here's the link for the Access program:

And for food assistance:


Geaton777 Jan 2024
Read this:

BarbBrooklyn Jan 2024
Have you considered consulting the Area Agency on Aging to make sure that your parents are getting all that they are entitled to? Food stamps, SSI?


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