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OldArkie Asked January 21, 2024

It seems my AD wife is somewhat morose and disagreeable on gloomy, dark and cloudy days, and more upbeat and happy on bright and sunny days!

Has anyone else had this experience and has anyone found a remedy?

Grandma1954 Jan 22, 2024
There are full spectrum lights that can help
Changing regular light bulbs to LED bulbs can help
A lot of people experience "winter doldrums" due to the decrease in sunshine.

AlvaDeer Jan 21, 2024
As are we ALL apparently and statistically.


funkygrandma59 Jan 21, 2024
It's not just folks with dementia that are affected by the weather OldArkie. Lots of people, especially those that suffer from depression are in the same boat.
You could try light therapy boxes that are used for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder(SAD)as they have been proven to be quite effective.


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