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Bennett27 Asked January 23, 2024

I have a three month supply of LoFric Origo Coude Male 16” catheters that I would like to donate. The mailing box has never been opened.

Grandma1954 Jan 23, 2024
Hospice probably will not take them as they have their own supplier and when they order for a patient it is billed to Medicare, Medicaid or other insurance.

Your Community, town, or County may have a "Buy Nothing" site on FB that might be a good place to get rid of them.

If your community has a Nurses Lending Closet you could try there.
Dianne4016 Jan 24, 2024
When my aunt passed away, the hospice that was caring for her recommended a patient who could use the supplies. She gave them our number so they could contact us. I was able to go drop off the supplies on their front porch. They were very appreciative to receive them (bed pads, incontinence supplies, etc).
Dianne4016 Jan 23, 2024
Try calling a local hospice organization to see if they know someone who needs them. Or list them with your local “buy nothing” group.


Geaton777 Jan 23, 2024
This is not the site for that. Try or


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