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Storml Asked January 2024

I am #2 on financial POA do I have legal right to ask for a report on parent’s finances?

I am a
#1 on medical POA.

Geaton777 Feb 2024
To clarify, do you mean you are co-PoA, or an alternate?

I've not been able to find information about whether non-activated alternates have any legal ability to be informed, but if I had to guess, I'd say probably not. This is a question for an attorney.

cwillie Jan 2024
No you don't. I've got to say that asking for a report sounds a whole lot different than asking if it makes sense sit down with the POA so you can plan for future needs together, KWIM? And just remember that neither financial nor medical POA is a contract for providing hands on care, the choices of one do not have to dictate the choices of the other.


Midkid58 Jan 2024
In the best case scenario, the POA's are transparent with each other.

That's 'best case'. People get weird when money comes in to play. But you're on the list as a FPOA, so I would assume you should know what #1 POA thinks & does.

My 2 brothers were MPOA and FPOA. The MPOA kept a lot of stuff from the rest of us re: mom's health. The FPOA met with mom once a year to look over the trust and make any small changes. IDK if the brothers ever talked about their different duties. FPOA shared his info with the rest of us, if it was salient. Otherwise, we trusted him.

My DH is POA for his mother, but he is frozen in place, emotionally and wouldn't DO anything that needed to be done, choosing to REACT to events rather than ACT before things got bad.

OB simply stepped in and started running the show. There will be no legal transference of POA, DH will sign off on what he needs to sign and remain as POA, but OB is making the decisions now.


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