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Whitney1 Asked February 5, 2024

Where to get a contract for employing in-home care workers, who are working as contractors, in New York State?

JoAnn29 Feb 5, 2024
I understand that IRS does not recognize in-home caregivers as contractors. They are employees that you have to take out payroll deductions, match SS and see the correct agencies receive the deduction. They are not considered self-employed.

Whitney1 Feb 5, 2024
Thank you, I have some calls out, we believe we are covered by getting an amended million dollar policy


AlvaDeer Feb 5, 2024
Personally I would see an attorney.
Do also check your insurance coverage for in home workers in case of injury. Caring for elders is notorious for putting out your back and etc. esp when you are the only one there.


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