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BarbBrooklyn Asked February 2024

DME question.

Dear all,


Does anyone have any suggestions for a good shower chair, preferably foldable?

cwillie Feb 2024
I don't think they make folding chairs that are designed to use in the shower but in the past I have thought that with a few tweaks those sturdy resin patio chairs would make a good shower chair - they have a more comfortable seat, sturdy arm rests and a high back that can recline to aid in hair washing.
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2024
Amazon has folding shower chairs too. Patio chairs might work as well.
97yroldmom Feb 2024
My mom used a bedside commode chair. She took the bowl portion off and put the chair in the step in shower. She also used a short shower wand. It made shampooing and rinsing easy.
From the seated position she was very comfortable. She had a shower grab bar to balance getting up and down.

He could also use a bath sponge on a handle for his legs and back or a brush or mesh loofah.


MargaretMcKen Feb 2024
Have you got a bidet, or a bidet attachment for the toilet? Either of them makes it fairly easy to wash your lower legs and feet. A stool next to the bidet (so that you can bend over the low basin) helps with hair washing too. Around here, shower chairs are fairly cheap ($ 5?) and easy to find in Op Shops. They are cheap because the medical places won’t use second hand equipment in case of accident. If that’s the case where you are, buy one to experiment with, so that you work out the details of what would be best.

JoAnn29 Feb 2024
I worked for the VNA and was in charge of the loan closet and have never seen a folding chair. Ones with backs, ones without, ones that slide into the tub. Big ones for those who are heavy but not folded ones which would be nice.
NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2024

Do you have a favorite of all the chairs that you have seen?

Amazon has some folding chairs for the shower but I don’t know how they are. I had a non folding shower chair for my mom.
LisaNJ Feb 2024
Also try drug stores…that’s where I got my mom’s shower chair, didn’t fold up

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2024
I messaged the OT who came to see DH today (and who brought an AMAZING array of great tools--a grabber, a sock put-er on-er, and a great shoe horn. It just occurred to me that he can't bend over yet to wash his legs and feet and that washing his hair standing up is going to be a challenge initially.

NeedHelpWithMom Feb 2024
The only foldable chairs that I am familiar with are the ones that are installed directly into the wall when a person does a bathroom remodel to suit their needs.

We had a chair for the shower for my mom but it wasn’t foldable.

I would either look at a medical supply store as Alva suggested or do a search on Amazon.

You could also talk with the physical and occupational therapist to see if they have any recommendations for you.

Are you looking for something portable or stationary. A bench or something with a back?

Hope that you find something suitable for your needs.

AlvaDeer Feb 2024
Barb, is there a medical equipment place anywhere near the hospital or in easy access at this time when things are really pushing to shove?
They vary so in terms of weight, and stability and cost.
I just would have no idea what would be good for your needs but a medical equipment place may, and I wonder if you could then take your google lens phone thingy to take a picture and see where you can get it for the best price?


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