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Sligolady1 Asked February 8, 2024

My Mom wants to go home, but she IS home. Sometimes it's back to her home in Ireland, other times she refuses believe this is her address.

Lvnsm72 Feb 9, 2024
Here's a video that mentions how to respond

Geaton777 Feb 9, 2024
This is called Sundowning. Very common dementia behavior. My elderly Aunt did it every afternoon, even though she was sitting in her home that she lived in since 1975. The home they want to go to is their childhood home. It never mattered that we had signs and her address everywhere in the house.

It helped to distract her with activities and movies. Sometimes, nothing would distract her. So sorry you're going through this.


NeedHelpWithMom Feb 9, 2024
I’m so sorry that you are going through this. I just read your profile. Your mom has dementia and has lost touch with reality.

Have you spoken with her doctor about meds that may calm her anxiety?


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