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Hawkins3 Asked February 13, 2024

Is there help in Missouri?

My brother is disabled adult. Being taken advantage of from his payee. He needs constant care. Yet soc sec admin refuses to allow me to be payee. The payee hasn't paid anything for him. Our parents went into an elderly home in 8/2023.
I cant find a lawyer to help. How do i get a pro bono?

JoAnn29 Feb 14, 2024
What do u mean the payee hasn't paid anything for him. Do you mean out of his SS payment? If so this is fraud and I am surprised SS has not cut the payee off.

Is your brother in care, like an Assisted Living or NH? On Medicaid? If so, his SS is probably offsetting the cost of his care. He would get a small Personal Needs Allowance (maybe $50 depending on the State). In this instance, the SS payee is only responsible to pay the SS to the facility. The person is not responsible to pay any extras over and above what he receives in SS. Lets say brothers SS is 1000. Your state allows $50 to go to a Personal needs account. The rest goes to the facility and Medicaid pays the rest. Yes, that $50 is used for your brother. When its gone, the payee does not pay out of pocket. If brother needs something the $50 does not cover than the family needs to pay. Or brother goes without. Because someone is a payee does not mean they are responsible for the person.

Your County should have a disabilities Dept. Mine is associated with Office of Aging. This dept maybe able to help u sort out this SS thing. I would go there first before going to a lawyer. There is a reason why you are not being allowed to be payee.

BarbBrooklyn Feb 14, 2024
Legal Aid society. Some Law Schools have legal clinics

Is the payee your brother's legal guardian?



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