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TSimp1111 Asked February 25, 2024

On Medicaid/quit claim deed.

My MIL has been on Medicaid for some time now. She recently was convinced to sign a quit claim deed to her property to a non-family member. What are the consequences for this? Will she lose her coverage? Is there a penalty for this?

Isthisrealyreal Feb 25, 2024
T, I would research community medicaid in moms state. My understanding is, community medicaid allows transfers of homes. However, if mom needs a facility in the next 5 years, this action will create a penalty period for moms care being paid for.

Are you concerned about the person mom just gave her house to? Are they going to evict her if she doesn't pay rent. Personally, I would be freaking out that my mom just gave her home away and could be homeless if this person is not of the highest integrity.

MJ1929 Feb 25, 2024
Sounds like she's been scammed, which is the most concerning part of this right up front. Call the police, then see an elder care attorney about the Medicaid part.


BarbBrooklyn Feb 25, 2024
Yes, but she's on Community Medicaid, which has different rules than Long Term Care. (LTC) Medicaid.

If she needs Medicaid funding to pay for LTC Medicaid, she won't be able to get it because she has gifted her home.

Is the arrangement that the person she gifted to will care for her until death?

TSimp1111 Feb 25, 2024
She is still living in her home. Has been on Medicaid for at least 10 years.
AlvaDeer Feb 25, 2024
Whether she is living in it or not, if she doesn't own it, and if she gave it up to another, she has just gifted it.
AlvaDeer Feb 25, 2024
If this home was listed as one of your mother's assets at the time she went on Medicaid, then this is GIFTING and it means big trouble.
Yes, she may well lose her coverage.
See an elder law attorney at once.

Isthisrealyreal Feb 25, 2024
Is she on Medicaid in a facility?

It makes a difference if it is community medicaid or long term care medicaid.

You will get better help answering that.
TSimp1111 Feb 25, 2024
She is still living in her home. Has been on Medicaid for at least 10 years.


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