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MamaChar Asked March 5, 2024

Tears and chills, had to share.

My 95 year old father passed away in November 2023. He was in an AL with my 92 year old mother who has dementia. They were married for 72 years. Last week, on a Saturday evening, my mother had a fall, spent hours in the ER before returning back to the AL, no serious injuries, but traumatized none the less. The next evening, the attending aide told me my father's pager went had his name on the message. How? No one knows as it doesn't exit anymore and hasn't ever gone off since he passed. My mother is unable to use her call button because she can't remember she has one. My father always used his if she needed help. Anyway, the aide decided he'd better check on my mother and when he went to her room, there was a feather right in front of her door. This is an indoor apartment and it was a dove feather, not something from a pillow or quilt. He checked inside and my mother was sound asleep. However, throughout the night, my father's pager continued to go off on the hour, 7 times. Each time my mother was checked on and she was fine. I believe, as do the aides, that my father was making sure they knew she should be checked on regularly and that he was still watching over her. This incident made quite an impact on the staff as well as our family. The aide actually gave me the feather and I intend to have it framed and placed in her room. I still get chills and tear up relating this story...just had to share with those of you who can relate.

MamaChar Mar 6, 2024
Thanks to all for sharing your thoughts and insights. I will definitely be reading some of the books suggested. I am in agreement with NeedHelpWithMom in that if no one can disprove it, the possibility remains that it could be true. This is actually my first such experience, but my father was definitely a force in this world, so why wouldn't he be in the next? It makes me feel more at ease believing he is nearby watching over my mother, too. She would feed 'her birds', mostly doves, outside everyday. Even when she couldn't get out and was forgetting most of everything, she would continue to ask if the birds had been fed. Also, since that event, she has been asking about my father more and more. Until then she almost never mentioned he seems to be on her mind, in her heart, so something has created an awareness in her soul. As leelonnie1 said, I feel sorry for the skeptics, too. There is such peace in believing.

Daughterof1930 Mar 5, 2024
What a special experience. Thanks for sharing


freqflyer Mar 5, 2024
MamaChar, I truly believe in after life communication. Your post was so interesting.

My late Dad communicates with me through an old mantel clock [that hasn't run in years] that had belonged to my parents. My Dad and I were very close, thus he knew I would figure this out.

The clock would emit a very woodsy odor, and the next day I will get a phone call that a relative had passed [a relative that I didn't know had been ill]. The clock has been odor free this past year as there have been no passings, thank goodness, just a mild odor on Christmas Day :) What's also interesting is that the odor will disappear a few minutes after I notice it.
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 5, 2024
Do you dream of your dad? I was close to my dad. I have the sweetest dreams about him. I frequently have dreams about my grandmother too.

The most bizarre dream I’ve ever had was about my own funeral as a child! I think that I had it because my parents took us to a lot of wakes and funerals and my great aunt told me that the person in the casket was only sleeping! Of course, I became afraid to go to bed because I thought that I would become stuck in a casket.

In my dream though, I was floating above my body and I saw everyone crying. I told them all to stop crying because I was fine. I realized that they couldn’t hear me screaming because I was dead. I knew nothing about the afterlife as a child other than there was a God and a heaven where people were supposed to go to after they die.
PeggySue2020 Mar 5, 2024
Reminds me of the caregivers who kept being summoned to a room because the call light kept coming on. One of them finally said, “May, you don’t live here anymore, go to where God has called you.” The lamp then stayed off.
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 5, 2024
Interesting…Peggy! Yeah, these things happen. Some of us pay attention to ‘signs,’ while others chalk it up to coincidence. What’s your take on it?
lealonnie1 Mar 5, 2024
Wonderful story! Get the book Hello from Heaven, a collection of messages sent from loved ones after death, you'll love it. I've had many messages myself from my dad who passed in 2015 and no doubt whatsoever that life is eternal. I feel sad for the skeptics.
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 5, 2024
NDE’s are fascinating to read. I enjoyed reading My Descent Into Death A Second Chance at Life. It’s written by Howard Storm and is a page turner for sure!

He was raised by Christian parents. Became an atheist as an adult. A worldly art professor who traveled extensively throughout Europe. Had a heart attack in Paris. Experienced an incredible NDE. His wife thought that he was nuts and divorced him! He ended up becoming a believer in God and has remarried. It’s a great book with lots of twists and turns.

I also find Eban Alexander, ‘Proof of Heaven’ to be fascinating. Incredible story!
NeedHelpWithMom Mar 5, 2024

What a beautiful story! Thanks for sharing. I love that you are going to frame the feather. You will smile every time you see it.

Honestly, I have many curios thoughts about the ‘afterlife.’ No one has any actual proof of anything.

Nor can anyone disprove anything. So, hey…I am open to believing in miracles. Certain things cannot be explained and are viewed as a ‘supernatural’ experience.

I have heard many wonderful stories from aides and nurses. I don’t know why they would have any reason to make up their stories.

I find some of the ‘near death stories’ questionable. They are fascinating and again, no one can prove or disprove the facts.

I read the book, ‘Heaven is for Real,’ about the little boy who claimed to have a ‘near death experience.’ Later on he confessed to feeling pressure from his dad and said that he made up the entire story!

One of the most interesting NDE books that I have read is one written by Howard Storm, ‘My Descent Into Death A Second Chance At Life.’ Anne Rice wrote the forward.

Howard Storm was raised to be a believer by his Christian parents. He became an atheist in his adult life as an art professor. He suffered a heart attack in Europe and had a profound near death experience. It’s a quick read and truly fascinating.

I do find the psychics who prey on a person’s vulnerability while grieving to be disgusting. They use trickery such as cold and hot reading. It’s sad that people get swindled out of their money by these scam artists.

There may be a few people who are clairvoyant, but there are tons of frauds in this field who are draining people of their money.


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