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LADeGo Asked March 2024

Mom moved from AL to transitional MC 12/1/23. Is it time to stop cholinesterase inhibitor?

Mom is 89. On memantine & galantamine (16mg). Drop-off in short term memory in Nov led to move to transitional MC in Dec. Can’t tolerate 24mg galantamine. After shaky transition, with a change from Lexapro to Sertraline, She’s enjoying her days (mostly). Is it time to discontinue the galantamine? I worry because I don’t want to prolong a journey of sadness and confusion, and evenings that are sometimes riddled with anxiety. Recommendations?

AlvaDeer Mar 2024
Discuss this with MD.
The Mayo Clinic discussion on these meds is a good one:

Alzheimer's: Drugs help manage symptoms - Mayo Clinic

BUT it indicates that these medications stop having any good effect over time anyway.
I would only say that if the current medications seem to be having good effect I would mess with a THING. I would leave them as is. A good drug cocktail is rare as hen's teeth.

JoAnn29 Mar 2024
Its been said these cognitive meds do no good after while anyway. If she can't tolerate it, why give it to her. I would continue with anxiety meds.


lealonnie1 Mar 2024
Ask moms doctor for a hospice evaluation. Once hospice comes on board, they'll stop any unnecessary medications, with your approval. Of course, if she's not tolerating ANY medication well, you need to speak to the prescribing physician right away ANYWAY, with or without hospice involved.

I'm with you......I wanted to do nothing at all to extend my mother's life when she went into Memory Care Assisted Living with dementia. The quality of life is SO diminished, what's the point?

Best of luck to you.


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