I fly in every 8 -12 weeks to help out and stay 5-7 days. She started accusing me after my dad passed and his caregivers were out of the house. She will have nothing to do with caregivers coming to the home. She resented my father for needing that level of assistance. She's always had some sort of personality disorder but she is oblivious. She was an unaffectionate mother and always had some level of paranoia in her, but not it's just getting worse and now the accusations of stealing have switched from the caregivers to me, but not either of my brothers. One brother lives close to her still, but goes over sporadically "as needed". His daughter takes my mom to the grocery store and doctor appts (or I do when I am in town). My other brother also lives out of state and goes in maybe twice a year and he has her Health POA. He won't approach her to get checked for dementia, although he believes she has it. I take care of her bills, taxes and investments as the POA, but she will never think she's got a problem, she's never wrong, never apologizes for anything. She can't drive. She very hard of hearing and she can no longer read very well with wet macular degeneration. I do alot when I'm in aside from the finances. I take her to her appts, shopping, etc. I try to find visual aids to help her see. I'll repair things around her townhome as needed. I looked up her old boyfriends on ancestry and internet per her request to see if they were still alive, etc. As the daughter and oldest in my family, I have always taken on the responsibilities needed in the family. The brothers are passive mostly and are probably just happy she's not accusing them of stealing. A therapist has been advising me not to go visit anymore, but since I'm POA I do need to get certain things done. My mom still talks to me over the phone as I need her to send things to me for her taxes, but I notice it's all business (she hasn't ever really asked about my life in years). It's just so hurtful and difficult to anticipate being around her. I dread going and I usually need a few days to decompress after. I call it the Mom hangover. I just can't tolerate being accused of stealing when I'm not and I am the one who helps her the most outside of my niece whom she depends on for weekly shopping. Anyone have this problem and how do you get through it?
33 Answers
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I'm speaking to you from 25 years experience doing homecare and having been a caregiver to my mother who is very like yours.
You are a female. Therefore the motherly scapegoating will fall on you rather than your brothers. This is so common.
You should stop going to your mother's home to help her. She should not be living on her own anymore and getting her into assisted living or memory care would probably be the best thing for her and everyone else.
Your therapist is right. Don't visit her anymore. You can get your name removed as POA and replaced with your local brother by going to the lawyer who did the documents.
Let him deal with your mother's abuse which she likely will not lay on him.
I'll tell you something else too. Many people with dementia can turn it on and off for certain people. It's called 'showtiming'. The villifying, verbal abuse, scapegoating, negativity, and accusations are often reserved for one person. You've drawn the short straw on that one.
Take your therapist's advice because they are right.
Don't get me wrong, there are days I dread going to see my mom. Sometimes knowing that I am going can give me angst, but I try to put myself in her shoes and hope that someone cares enough to manage my care like I am doing for her.
This is hard stuff...no two ways about it. It is all the harder if you didn't have a good relationship with them to begin with and you've got siblings who don't help at all. I am right there with you!
And stop going over there every 2 months. Listen to your therapist.
No, she is not completely independent and she does belong in assisted living. She won't go. I am not going to force her.
I appreciate your reply.
It is up to the POA to take care of finances ONLY IF a person is incompetent BY LAW to do that for her/himself.
And that isn't the case here.
You indicate she can shine it on enough to fool folks, but that can't happen with dementia.
No neuro-psyc doctor can be fooled by confabulation, and confabulation is most often be used by the mentally ill.
I think that you are being accused by her because you are handling her finances and she is paranoid about that. Whether this is because of mental illness or dementia you cannot know, and if you do not know you cannot operate on her behalf just ASSUMING she is incapable of handling her own affairs. I am amazed any bank has allowed you to manage this woman's finances for her without requiring a full diagnosis of her being incapable in her own behalf. Usually banks go to GREAT LENGTHS to prevent this, refusing many POAs that are not very well written by a very good attorney.
In the case of most of the mentally ill they are incapable of handling their finances, but not LEGALLY under the law. They are allowed, under the law to make as much of a muddle of their finances as they wish to. A court is LOATHE to remove a citizen's rights to their own finances and management from them.
I would resign the POA, myself, unless there is a diagnosis. I would step out of this stew completely and let the poop hit the fan.
Meanwhile, whomever IS managing for her better have METICULOUS records of every single penny in and every single penny out of all of her finances. Because she can file for elder abuse tomorrow in present circumstances, should she wish to.
I sure wish you luck, but I would see an Elder Law Attorney now to describe what is currently going on and what other options are.
I’m an only daughter too. The older generation regards daughters as the designated caregiver and she is expected to sacrifice the most. This is wrong. Your brothers need to help too, and need to help often, not just when they feel like it.
Has your mother had hostility towards you before this? Because you’re describing a very common situation: Mother has resentment towards the daughter yet expects the daughter to be there when she snaps her fingers. The daughter will work herself to death, but it’s still not enough. If anything is “missing” or anything isn’t how she wants it, it’s the daughter’s fault. The sons, however? They can do as they please. Mother doesn’t expect them to do anything for her. She will always praise the sons, even if they barely lift a finger for her.
Consider resigning your POA via the lawyer who set it up.
I appreciate you taking the time to reply :)
I actually cut my mother out of my life several years ago because her Narcissistic personality disorder was absolutely making me lose my mind. She has been showing signs of dementia for many years. Her NPD made it very difficult to realize that it was actually dementia and not her usual manipulative NPD behaviors. I have since reentered my mother's life after a sibling passed last April and I witnessed the state that my mother was in. She literally was starving herself because she wouldn't eat anyone else's cooking and she couldn't remember how to make anything. My sisters and I hired several caretakers but each ended in disaster because of my mother's controlling and abusive personality disorder.
I retired last June so I was now the child with the most time. I am the oldest. I was doing most everything. I was traveling 40 minutes each way to cook, clean, shop, take her to appointments, take her for day trips and bring her to my home for days at a time so she and her husband could have a break from each other. It is also a toxic relationship. These are all things my sisters were not doing because they were too busy with their own lives.
It took several drs appointments and emails to her doctors before those appointments to make them aware of the concerns and in order to have them ask the correct questions. Finally, we have a diagnosis. But even with the diagnosis we can not force her to memory care. As long as she says no we can not make her go. We know that she will get the care she needs there, much better care than she gets now but we can not force her. She calls all of us numerous times to tell us that she wants to move and that she hates her husband and needs to get away from him but when we tell her that we have a place for her she refuses saying she can live with her friends. We ask her who and she cannot name them. Currently my work has been paperwork to prepare for the day when she does not or cannot say no.
My mother has been hiding things, reorganizing, "cleaning" and has forgotten where she puts things. I have been behind the scenes for a month because I was being called a thief and a liar. She was combative and aggressive with me. . This was more than I could take and stepped back out to save myself. She is now being cared for mostly by her husband who doesn't want to and doesn't care to. He does minimal. My sister who lives closest to her has stepped back in as her primary caregiver (she was it before I came back in the picture last April) but she is working and has very limited time.
My advice to you would be to definitely take care of yourself. If you need a break then take a week or two or as long as it takes to repair the damage to your own mental health. This isn't easy because you know that our mothers will not get the care that they need while you are out of the picture but it will be worth it in the end. Sending you positive vibes and energy.