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BIGLOU0425 Asked March 12, 2024

My question was put in as private, but I wanted it on the news feed for all to see and respond.

JoAnn29 Mar 13, 2024
I would move out. Homeless before can be homeless again. If you have health problems that keep you from working, you may be able to get Social Security Disability or Supplimental income. Go to the County Social Service office and see what resources they have to help you.

Get out of that woman's house. If she is section 8, you probably are illegally there anyway. When you leave, call CPS because this woman should not be caring for a child with this many problems. She is probably paid bt the State to care for her.

Sorry for your predicament and glad you have the faith you do. But remember, God only helps those who help themselves.

Hopeforhelp22 Mar 12, 2024
Hi Lou - I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. For your knowledge, it's NEVER going to improve with this woman /employer - she's taking full advantage of you and your girlfriend - plus, she's never even paid you a dime. Make other plans - you and your girlfriend would be better off going to a shelter to regroup, and there, they can help in discussing options on work resources. And your girlfriend would be better off working for a caregiving agency to assign her clients.

The longer you stay in your situation, the more it will decline and create more havoc. You should also seek support at the local church - they can help you as well.

Don't expect anything from this current woman/employer - she's already used you and taken advantage of you - the sooner you cut your losses with her, the quicker you can set yourselves in the right direction. Try to set up everything in advance - go to the shelter, church - prepare your next steps so you can transition easily.

Wishing you and your girlfriend the best of good luck and best wishes ~


Grandma1954 Mar 12, 2024
No one can take advantage of you unless you allow it.
Walk away.
Do no more "favors" for her.
There are homeless shelters or you can ask your hospice Social Worker if they know of anything that might help.

waytomisery Mar 12, 2024
Leave this woman’s home . Go to a homeless shelter and ask how to connect with a social worker .
Or look up the county website for social worker info .

MargaretMcKen Mar 12, 2024
OP you are 49 years old with a social problem, not a care problem. However sorry anyone feels for you, this is not what we are trying to deal with. Find another Forum, please.

AlvaDeer Mar 12, 2024
For the Forum:
I have posted Lou's question, which he put in his profile, below.
I posted as much as would fit, and you can go to his profile to read the rest if you are so moved.

This woman who is taking advantage of you can do so no longer if you simply slam the door in her face, which I highly recommend. You are not forced by anyone to have anything to do with her, and you are, you tell us, aware she is taking advantage of you.

You can also call Adult Protective Services in your area.

You can also call the police if this woman continues to harass you.
I wish you the best.

AlvaDeer Mar 12, 2024
For the Forum:
This is BigLou's question:

"Hello and God bless everyone,
My name is Louie and I am a homeless 49 yr old male with a significant other and two dogs. For the last two years we've been living in my pickup truck due to not having income because almost a year ago I was diagnosed with CHF Congestive heart failure and was put on hospice and told i had approx. 6 months or less to live. Thank God I am a believer and know everything is in the Lord's hands to not go into further details on how awesome God is??.
Recently my funds have been stolen from my EBT account and last month had $320 stolen from my cash aid when I went to get my funds from the bank I was left with $7. My food funds have been stolen 2 times and after making a report with welfare I was notified that they have 90 days to investigate and replenish my funds if they find that the funds were indeed stolen. So far I've had 3 or 4 different cards with different pin numbers and have had funds stolen from Chicago, New York and Compton CA. My significant other has had her account hacked twice as well leaving us in literal tears because things like this shouldn't happen to people.
About 3 months ago give a take a month or two we picked up enough cans and had a couple donations to finally get a room and have a decent night's rest. We had showers and slept almost until checkout the next morning it was just lovely. When we first arrived at our room and was putting the key in the door a elderly hunched over African American woman opens her door and says, "hey let me ask you a question big man?" I smiled and said, sure what did you need? She asked me if I stay at that motel often and I explained our situation that we've been homeless for a while now and she literally looks me up and down and says, "big man, could I ask you to go to the liquor store and buy me a beer and some lottery scratchers?" Then she asked how much I was gonna charge her to do her that favor and said it's okay the liquor store is just across the parking lot so she gives me the money for what she wanted and I proceeded to go and pick up the things she wanted. This was the start of the biggest nightmare my significant other and I have not been able to get out of.
This woman acted like she was in bad shape physically and medically also being roomed up with her was her 13 yr old granddaughter who is paralyzed and has a number of ailments the most severe is being blind and not being able to talk. This woman took the time to talk to my significant other and ask her if she wanted a job as a caregiver and she would help her out so we don't have to be homeless anymore and that being a caregiver for her and her granddaughter would be very rewarding as it pays very well. She said she would be getting a home in the area any day now as she has been waiting for section 8 to find her a home for her and her granddaughter. She promised a number of things to us because we were willing to help her when nobody else has wanted to including her children??
A couple days before Thanksgiving 2023 she asked me to help her move her belongings to her new place and to tell her how much I was gonna charge her knowing that I was not in any condition to lift heavy items let alone carry her granddaughter from the bed to my truck and place her in the truck to take them to the residence. I also suffer from sciatica on both sides of my back and she knew this because I told her when we first had met.
Long story short, she has taken advantage of both my girlfriends and my kindness for weakness. My significant other is a few years more experienced in life to not put her age out there but she is a senior herself with the biggest heart ever put in a human body. Sweet doesn't explain what I feel when I am near her and all she does for everyone she loves and cares for especially the ones she sees in need......................."
To complete his question go to his Profile and read. If you are so moved.


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