My husband is incontinent and wears disposables but still manages to get pee all over the side and at the base of the toilet and on the vinyl floor. He is diabetic who has high blood sugar in spite of all the meds he takes and because of his horrible health habits, so the pee is sticky (sorry to be gross).
I have a Swiffer with the wet pads, but it doesn't seem to get the floor clean. Would a sponge mop or a steamer work better? I have also considered a long-handled scrub brush system. Those are smaller and would be easier to store. Also there is a dried on crust of pee around the base of the toilet. Guess I'll have to get on my knees to attack that one. I'm no spring chicken. I don't have storage room in our apartment for a bucket/mop system.
He also had a bowel accident on carpet. I'm not sure I got all the stain removed. Suggestions, please!
I am super sensitive to bad smells, so it's hard for me. No, I cannot afford a cleaning person, and I would be embarrassed for anyone to see how he lives anyway. I'm glad I don't have to use his bathroom.
I am so tired of this. He does nothing to help improve his condition, and I do everything, but that's a complaint for a different board.
27 Answers
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Regarding the 66 years old ….My husband was always neat until he got old er. It is common for worse aim and more mess as they age because the stream is not as strong , they lose the good arc and they tend to dribble more when they think they are done . Most men have at least some enlargement of the prostate as they get older causing these issues .
My DH had a benign prostate tumor causing urine retention as well . He had surgery .
He didn't like it much at first, but I was insistent and told him he didn't have a choice anymore. I used the bedside commode and put it over the top of his toilet so he was sitting up a bit higher as he was a fall risk, and could use the side handles to get himself up.
As far as getting the poop out of the carpet, any heavy duty carpet cleaner should do the trick, especially if it's designed to get out pet accidents.
It also may be time for your husband to wear Depends(or the like)full-time now if he's pooping on the floor and can no longer get his pee in the toilet. That will be the next step you know, and that step may be here now.
Peeing all over the toilet area makes me so angry!
I hope you have a rug shampooer. If you don't, get one. I can't imagine not having a rug shampooer and I don't even live with incontinent people.
There is a product for smells called Pooph!. It's available from Amazon and I think Target too. This product is like a miracle for smells.
I had which I believe is about the most nasty and disgusting job on earth. I was a visiting CNA/caregiver to people in their homes. I did this work for 25 years. If there was no product like Pooph! available years ago. It eliminates every smell. There's even one for the laundry.
Pick up the products mentioned here, and you'll do all right with getting it cleaned up.
If you don’t want to try that, spray with any bathroom cleaner, let sit for a few hours to dissolve rustiness, the wipe away. Perhaps you could try a disposable pad and wrap around toilet base and floor - you’d have to be careful not to make a tripping hazard.
My husband also can make a mess. I try to go in right after him and wipe up if needed. The longer you let it go, the more difficult it is to clean. But I know it’s difficult when you are the caregiver to do it all.
As for carpet, try one of those enzyme cleaners made for pet messes (they have for human messes too). Remember a fresh stain is always easier to clean than an old set in one.
On carpet follow directions on cleaner and do not rub…blot on an old white towel that you can toss or wash towel with a little bleach when you are done. Blotting with a white towel will let you see the stain transferred from carpet to towel. It’s next to impossible to tell with any other color of towel. I used buy some cheap white towels just for purposes of cleaning carpet stains. Blotting the stain up on a white towel will take a fair amount of time. Keep changing position of towel to a clean area of towel when you see stain coming up. Keep going until you don’t see anymore stain transfer on white towel. Then get another white towel and stand on it over stain to help dry area.
But again, when you see it happen clean it right then if at all possible, or at least as soon as possible,
If he's able, a funnel from Walmart automotive dept. has been very helpful (No doubt that's amusing but it WORKS). I was sick and tired of the mess, smell and another disgusting chore.
I too am super sensitive to smells. I have so many air fresheners all over my dad's house. Before my stepmom passed everything they used was scent-free. I can't do it any longer. I changed all the laundry detergent, fabric softener, bath and body soaps, air fresheners, Fabreeze, etc... I need to smell something other than "old" people smell.
Thankfully my father has been understanding.
I have even baked dozens of cookies to make the house smell nice.
Hang in there.
He does sit down to pee and still gets it on the floor. As I mentioned in my answer below, it must leak out the sides or something.
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