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Torofambam4 Asked March 23, 2024

80-year-old father-in-law wants to drive 73 miles on his own with a truck and a boat to get serviced.

He has metastatic bone cancer with an ostomy. Waiting on cognitive evaluation for dementia. He was supposed to wait for his daughter to go with him but he doesn't want to wait. How do I stop this from happening?

Geaton777 Mar 24, 2024
When is he scheduled for the cog eval? Hopefully someone will be accompanying him to this. Does he have a MPoA?

What does his oncologist say about him going on this trip alone?

Stalling: Make him prove the trailer is registered/has current tabs (if this is a thing in his state) and check to make sure the lights work, which they often don't. In my state this is a ticketable problem. Or, maybe one of the trailer wheelers turns up flat from a puncture.

Does he have any capable friends you can enlist to go with him or be the driver? He might be more open to this than being babysat by his daughter.

Is he behaving in ways that make you think he as dementia? Otherwise why is he having an evaluation? If he's "that bad" then would report him to the DMV and disable his vehicle (and somehow make sure he doesn't take it to a shop to get fixed). Try not to be confrontational about it.

AlvaDeer Mar 24, 2024
I don't think, without a diagnosis, that you can stop this.
You can perhaps go with him and drive?
And Need is correct. At the worst you can disable his truck.

There's nothing whatsoever about being 80, having an ostomy or bone cancer that would preclude this trip. But if he has DEMENTIA that does make a difference.


NeedHelpWithMom Mar 23, 2024
Your profile states that he has dementia. I am so sorry that you are going through this. Can you disable his truck so he can’t drive it?


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