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Clownpuncher21 Asked April 1, 2024

Can someone send me an investigator, FBI something please?

I've been caretaker of my 90 year old grandmother well ever since she gave up driving im in my 15th year and have had nothing but zero help from her children ive been wondering for years why they hated her so much well now she wanted to make me her POA and my uncle found out an my lifes been hell since. he has a few police friends that even seem to be helping him i was arrested the day before the guardianship hearing he had rushed thru the courthouse literally a half hour before my attorney was due at my home to handle POA documents we had to be in court. when they arrested me i was on a farm vehicle arrested for being on the road they held me 38 hours not one offer to call anyone i still managed to bail out before court. then to manipulate the situation my uncle came to my home trying to drive my grandmother to court she refused to ride with him he threw a fit called his cop friend and the cop drove her to the courthouse she was never brought into the courtroom because she had the paperwork in her pocket to hand the judge she wanted me her guardian not thieves like my uncle he has sold her farm without her permission im so tired ive considered shoorting him because hes shortening her life just stressing us out i cant hardly function we need real laws help not blackford county this place has been under investrigation so much its crazy an im in dealing with it myself an have to say it appears like everyone is in my uncles pocket down to even the tow truck driver not kidding here please send help. 

Beatty Apr 1, 2024
In one clear sentence - What do you WANT?

AlvaDeer Apr 1, 2024
I am afraid that you are stuck with the police in your own area, attorneys in your own area, and etc. This is a world wide Forum of caregivers with no connections to police, FBI or CIA or any such entities in your area, nor do we know you, your grandmother, your uncle, nor your history as a family.

I am a bit concerned that the message you have sent us is a bit confused sounding, that there is no punctuation and capitalization. That there doesn't seem to be a coherent and organized thought process going on here. It is a bit "stream of consciousness" for lack of a better word.

Your uncle, I am assuming, is your grandmother's son? It seems he has gone to court to get guardianship of your grandmother. He apparently now has said guardianship of your grandmother.

I wish you luck. I would consult with an attorney in your area and see if there is something that can be done for you, but I can only wish you the best of luck. I think your grandmother may be best off with guardianship of her son while you get on with your own life. You may find, with time, that this is a burden lifted from you.


KNance72 Apr 1, 2024
Go to FBI and file a complaint - they do Prosecute elder abuse and also you can contact and also go to your Senators office and tell them what is going On and Maybe they can Help you . This really sounds awful . If you Have a car I would get Out of there with your grand Mother and seek help at your senators office . Call The FBI also and see if you can get thru even if it is the Anonymous Tip Line .

BarbBrooklyn Apr 1, 2024
lealonnie1 Apr 1, 2024
This is the 3rd post from clownpuncher on the same subject, 2 in March and this one today!


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