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Rogerwyatt7890 Asked April 8, 2024

What to do when they start hoarding ridiculous stuff?

Every time I try to throw something stupid away she digs it out of the trash and gets upset. I try to do away with things when she is sleeping but she always seems to find stuff even if it is going through the garbage ARGGGG. How can I get rid of clutter without her getting upset. She even has drugs and eyedrops, etc. from 2001 that I have thrown out telling her it is not safe and she still digs it out of the garbage.

Daughterof1930 Apr 14, 2024
Stop discussing this with your mom, it’s only upsetting her and accomplishing nothing. If it’s important to you to throw stuff out, learn to be better at it. Do little amounts at a time when she’s not aware and take it far from the house. Look blankly at her if she asks about something she’s missing. There’s a balance to chucking trash and keeping peace
sarius Apr 14, 2024
I was just going to write the same thing. Take the hoarded items and dump them in town or somewhere your mother doesn't go. And, as someone else mentioned, don't engage her on the subject. My husband has dementia and he hoards paper towels. He also won't let me take cardboard boxes to recycling. I break them down and hide them under a blanket in my car, but he always finds them and takes them out before I can get away with them! The brain does some strange things to our loved ones with this condition. Best of luck and all good wishes as you navigate this bizarre world.
anonymous1784938 Apr 8, 2024
You take the old drugs and expired things and put them in a bag and in your car. Then you go throw them away at a gas station or someplace with a large garbage can like a do it yourself car wash.
LoopyLoo Apr 8, 2024
This. Make sure she doesn't see the garbage.


LilyLavalle Apr 15, 2024
I understand and agree with people who are saying it’s their stuff and their house and we don’t have the right to throw it out.

However, I asked my mom on several occasions if she expected me to spend my golden years going through her hoard. She really didn’t care. Just like she didn’t care if I gave up my life to care for her. That was my God given purpose.

Now we have spent literally hundreds of hours (with help) cleaning out the house, filled 2 30 yard dumpsters, and if you walked in today you would think nothing had been done.

I know many people will say just walk away. But I’ve already found cash, investments and life insurance I didn’t know she had. Not to mention priceless family photos, genealogies from before the age of computers, and letters going back to my great grandparents and beyond.

It’s hard to just let a junk man throw that all out. It would have been nice for mom to give a single thought of what she would be putting us through.
Bunnymomjulie Apr 15, 2024
Yes, that's why it took me 6 months to go through my mom's bedroom. Everything had to be sifted through very carefully.
I am hoping the kitchen goes much easier. Clean, dump, reorganize the usable things.
Dawn88 Apr 8, 2024
Bag up and keep in your trunk, to toss elsewhere.

Donttestme Apr 14, 2024
Easy…take the trash out.

Put it in a bag, then either put it at the curb (or in bin if apartment). Or put bag in your car and throw it away at your house. I wouldn’t advise using those dumpsters at stores or restaurants because they don’t like people throwing away their own stuff as they pay for those dumpsters.

Remember, out of sight out of mind.

Beatty Apr 14, 2024
OK. I am going to STIR this pot up!
I'll play Mother.

Don't throw my stuff away.
Don't even TOUCH my stuff.
Why do you think you have the right to?

In fact, why ARE you here?
Living in MY house?
Did I invite you? To visit or STAY?
Go home.

OK folks, whattya say?
waytomisery Apr 14, 2024
“ Time to spring clean “.

Then take her for ice cream while others take items to set up her room in memory care.
Samad1 Apr 15, 2024
Hello Roger,

Here is an excerpt from my book "Dementia Care Companion" on the subject of hoarding:

Hoarding is most commonly seen in Alzheimer’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, and Lewy body dementia. Around 23 percent of dementia patients develop hoarding behavior, typically in the early and middle stages of their illness.
Patients hoard all kinds of stuff. They collect, organize, fold and package them, put them away in nooks and crannies, and then spend many busy hours searching in various drawers, cabinets, and wardrobes to rediscover and unpack the items, only to repackage and store them again.
Hoarding typically occurs in tandem with obsessive-compulsive behavior, overeating, and pilfering. What all these behaviors have in common is an underlying sense of anxiety, impairment in impulse control, and memory loss. The patient is trying to get a grip on a life that is increasingly out of their control, with a mind that is no longer able to hold on.
Hoarding is also seen in some older individuals who do not have dementia. Hoarding in older individuals may be a precursor to dementia and a warning sign.
How to Handle Hoarding
Although hoarding can be challenging for the caregiver, it does not help to get angry or scold the patient. Patience, creativity, and humor are better ways of handling all kinds of behavioral problems, and hoarding is no exception.
·        Find out what drives the hoarding behavior and try to remove the cause. Is the patient worried that their stuff may get lost or stolen? When they spread, repackage, and store items, are they trying to reassure themselves that they can find the items again? Are they bored from inactivity and a lack of meaningful involvement with the daily household affairs?
·        What do they collect and where do they store them? Are the collected items perishable? Are they valuable? By knowing the types of items that the patient likes to collect and where they stash them, you can better decide your next steps.
·        Reduce the number of drawers and wardrobes that the patient uses. Label drawers to clearly show what’s inside. You can write “socks,” “underwear,” etc. on sticky notes, then attach the notes to drawers. Or, you can affix pictures to drawers, indicating their contents.
·        Make life easy for the patient. Use a large plastic basket for the collected items so the patient can easily find them in one place and pack them again when finished.
·        If a particular type of hoarding does not pose a hazard, let it be. But, if the hoarding creates risks, such as food that spoils or clutter that presents a fall hazard, find ways to remove the risk.
·        Avoid removing or discarding hoarded items as this may add to the patient’s anxiety. Find other ways to remove any risks. For example, if hoarded food has spoiled, replace it with fresh food.
·        The patient may agree to donate some of the items to charity. Take this opportunity to quickly remove those items from view. If the patient finds them again, they’ll likely hoard them again.
·        When going shopping, plan ahead to avoid situations where the patient can re-purchase items they have just discarded. If they come across the same items, they will likely buy them again.
·        Do not try to persuade the patient to give up hoarding. They cannot follow your reasoning. Even if you could convince them, they would forget it a few moments later.
·        Try to channel their energy to more productive activities like helping to set the dinner table, making salad, and folding laundry.

AlvaDeer Apr 8, 2024
All depends on what rights you have and what rights she has lost.
So if you are POA and she has been adjudged incompetent you can clear the house.
Otherwise it is her house (I am guessing) and she has a right to "collect" and hoard unless the city/county government comes in and judges it "unsafe" and puts in fines and demands that it be cleaned.
This is quite a common problem in our country where our "stuff" seems to come to mean everything. It can become a kind of mental illness. Not a whole lot can be done to change those who do this.
imout01 Apr 14, 2024
My mother has passed. But, we had a whole narcissistic family dynamic and I was her major target, with my sister becoming her enabler. Sister actually told me I should rent a Pod, move all the clutter into the Pod, then back into the house, once township inspection was done, like I’m a mover or like I wanted to spend $200/mo for the Pod, until I was finished. Yeah, not one, but two crazy people. Plus, I’d just accepted a full-time job I wasn’t taking off time from, to clean up her house. I already understood it would be circular. So, I wasn’t going to make a career out of cleaning her house, with my sister and her working against me. My sister even moved into the other house, just doors away and, yep, it only got worse. I left, since the abuse had covertly gone on for years and I don’t tolerate abuse. A police officer, who I guess knew what had gone on, told me my mother couldn’t be stopped. If the authorities couldn’t stop her, who was I. I know who I would’ve been, had I tried — dead, which was exactly where my mother and sister wanted me. Even now, I own that house and am cleaning it out. Still might die doing it. Hate to say it, but it’s a life ruiner, to have these types in your family.
Santalynn Apr 14, 2024
Disappear the hoarded stuff, like, completely taken away with you. I think folks feel huge loss as their lives decline, so it seems poignant that they want to 'feather their nest' such as it is. Consider it a type of 'recycling'...stuff in, stuff out. And maybe make a special place for their Favorite things, even if the items are of no value to you they are to the person who's saved them. It's kind of like parents of kids who have oodles of playthings: eventually it's 'one in, one out' (to charity, or whatever if still in good shape.) And definitely weed out way long expired meds and personal care items like makeup (risk of bacterial contamination), etc.

Bunnymomjulie Apr 15, 2024
My mom went into memory care last October. I just now finished going through her master bedroom and bath. (It's April.) Wish me luck on the rest of the house.
waytomisery Apr 15, 2024
Oh that’s bad . 🥺
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