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LongDistanceCG Asked April 16, 2024

Help on how to clean GreenChief bedside commode (the blue “foam” seat)?

Hey everyone- anyone have experience with the GreenChief bariatric bedside commode? My disabled mom has been using one constantly for several months and “cleaning” it herself (there’s a lot of background that’s not important!), but only just today shared that she’s been unable to clean the blue seat portion. I’m visiting from out of town and the smell is ATROCIOUS. I thought I’d ask here before attempting to deep clean it (not looking forward to the sight/smell). She says sprays and cleaning wipes haven’t worked, that it gets stuck in the foam. I’m going to try a steam cleaner, but I’m wondering if anyone has experience and tips with this brand. I can’t find a website with instructions, she got it on Amazon. Thank you for any help!!!

Grandma1954 Apr 16, 2024
I can tell you that any "foam" seat will be a non-porous material.
So unless it has cracks in it the seat should be easy to clean.
If there are cracks in it the seat should not be used and order a replacement.
Personally I would try any of the following.
"Scrubbing Bubbles" foaming cleaner. Spray and allow it to sit for a bit. that should loosen any caked on debris.
There is a product by Clorox called "Urine Out" and it does a great job of getting urine odors out..
There is a product called "OdorBan" and it not only cleans but it sanitizes and can be used as an air freshener. The instructions for mixing up each concentration is on the bottle. I still use this for cleaning, laundry and I even use it on furniture.

AlvaDeer Apr 16, 2024
Time to discuss this with the manufacturer, I would think. I am doubtful you will find anyone on site with that exact problem of the foam seat. I would call their 1-800 number.

Amazon sells these, and at over one hundred they are in no wise "cheap". Amazon has a section where you can ask questions of the manufacturer. This also leaves a kind of anti-advertisement I would think they would want to answer FAST.



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