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Rhondahicks Asked April 25, 2024

How to get paid for taking care of my mom?

I have been helping my mom.

Her Dr. said I could get paid. How?

Geaton777 Apr 25, 2024

If you do get paid directly from your Mom and her own funds, please have a written contract. This is a protective formality should she ever need to apply for Medicaid. The money she pays you needs to be trackable so that Medicaid doesn't "assume" it is gifting, which may disqualify or delay her getting this financial help. FYI many a senior towards the end of the care journey need Medicaid for LTC.

Also, if your Mom pays you directly, and this is your only source of income and you yourself are not retired, then SS should really be withheld from your paychecks so that you will have enough to live on when your time comes.


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