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AMZebbC Asked April 30, 2024

Prepay property taxes in New York.

Has anyone in New York State prepaid their LO property taxes to spend down their assets before applying for Medicaid Long Term Care? Did you go to the Town Clerk and pay or did you need to fill out any paperwork?


This is a living estate that allows my uncle to live in his home until death and then the deed is to the Remainderman.

JoAnn29 Apr 30, 2024
I paid Moms taxes up until she went on Medicaid. She paid privately for 2 months before that. Medicaid never questioned it. Once on Medicaid, I let them go. My State is the highest in the nation for propert taxes. Couldn't pay Moms and mine too being retired. I also paid her utilities out of her money.

Geaton777 Apr 30, 2024
You need to call your local tax office to ask this question. I know in some states (not sure about all) that if a senior (65 and older) makes less than a certain amount of income per year, they are deferred or exempt from paying property taxes.

Not sure about the living trust issue, so you should probably talk to a tax lawyer or someone well versed in trusts in NY.

"Senior Citizen Homeowners’ Exemption (SCHE)

A property tax break for seniors who own one-, two-, or three-family homes, condominiums, or cooperative apartments.

The SCHE and DHE (Disabled Homeowners’ Exemption) tax breaks are available to eligible homeowners with a combined annual income of $58,399 or less.",must%20meet%20this%20age%20requirement.&text=The%20total%20combined%20annual%20income,co%2Downer%20cannot%20exceed%20%2458%2C399.



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