My mother-in-law is suffering from dementia. She recently moved in with us and for the last seven years, until this afternoon, we got along great. When my husband got home she told him he can't leave her here with me. She said that he doesn't know the person I really am,that I don't pay any attention to her or even talk to her. I am her primary caregiver. I know it's the dementia and not really her. How do I handle it? Do I leave and come back later?
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You say that until today she has been good for SEVEN YEARS????
Hon, that woman must be a SAINT.
So treasure her, forgive her, love her, and understand her.
That's it. There's not another thing to do with dementia. Unless you want to shrug and give a laugh or a smile. My best out to you. Carry on!
And by the way, if she continues to get meaner this week and has been so loving heretofore, those advising it is time for a test on that urine are stone cold correct!
If she's really resistant to going, I would call 911 and tell them she is very confused and you think she has a UTI but won't go. They will get her to go.