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Jcornell Asked May 3, 2024

What is the best option to track my father while he is taking a ride through the neighborhood on his power chair?

My father has late stage dementia and uses a power chair to be able to move around. We live in a secure community and most people know my father and look out for him. But lately, he likes to sneak out of the house while I'm taking a shower, or anytime that I step away. I'm looking for any suggestions as to which gps/cellular tracking device would work best for us.

Ksedmak Jun 6, 2024
You may considering using an Apple AirTag on his chair (or similar tech) to track his whereabouts.
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 6, 2024
My daughter has an air tag on her dog. He is an escape artist. They work great!
Ronnyj May 13, 2024
Put a lock higher up on doors so he can't go out without you 💯 😌


JColl7 May 12, 2024
Please, please just prevent him from escaping altogether. You stated he has late stage dementia.

againx100 May 8, 2024
I see it's already been suggested numerous times, but I would pull the plug on his solo joy rides. Late stage dementia is unpredictable at best.

Llamalover47 May 8, 2024
Jcornell: Quite possibly of more concern is not letting him leave the residence in the first place especially since he suffers from late stage dementia.

GAinPA May 8, 2024
The Tile app for your phone and the smallest tracker will be easier to place in an inconspicuous spot. It is also a good idea to include a sticker with your phone# in visible spot. In addition, an additional Tile could be added to his "keys" or slipped into his pocket.

AmThereToo May 8, 2024
Just remembered Angel Tracks, designed for autistic kids. Very hard to get off.

AmThereToo May 8, 2024
If he carries a phone, install some app with gps (there are bunches, I use Life360. No endorsement, just fact).
Get a Tile or an Apple Air Tag and hide it on the scooty. They don't usually track in real time, but better than nothing.
Best option is to disable the vehicle when you have to focus on something else. Take the keys, unplug the battery...Or see if you can tag team with someone. Good luck. Dementia is crafty!

Lovemom1941 May 8, 2024
No judgement here but I agree that preventing him from leaving seems more pressing than tracking him after he has already left. My mom tried several times to escape but was prevented by a simple $6 solution. A flip door lock, installed just above eye level for her kept her from leaving while I showered or took care of other things. We installed on both doors and still use them for extra security now that she has gone to memory care.

Prime-Line U 9888 Flip Action Door Lock - Reversible White Privacy Lock with Anti-Lock Out Screw for Child Safe Mode, 2-
anonymous1784938 May 12, 2024
Thanks for the tip; this is a great suggestion
OldCaregiver121 May 8, 2024
I use the Raz mobility phone. It is design for dementia patients, is it extremely simple to use and you can track the location of the phone from your cell phone. Just remember to charge it every night.
AmThereToo May 8, 2024
I am thinking of the RAZ for my Mom. Can you tell me how you like it? Was it easy to set up? Worth the cost?
Kenna2017 May 8, 2024
I used a air/land/sea tracker that was magnetic and attached under the chair seat. My partner has dementia and would wander off alot. The tracker is rechargeable and works great. There is a monthly fee but it's worth it. I could find him easily with the app on my phone. He is in memory care now but that tracker made it easy to find him.

strugglinson May 8, 2024
You may also want a device that will alert / alarm you when he leaves . These are readily available also . I think you can even possibly set up the air tag so you get an alert / alarm when it leaves the house / yard

Cheri1 May 8, 2024
Apple has what is called an air tag. They are $29. and can fit into his pocket. They are about the size of a quarter and you can track him on your I phone. I have one for my husband and attach it to his belt with a carabiner.

DianaFS May 8, 2024
GPS Trackers | GPS Tracking Devices (

Debmiller May 8, 2024
For about 1.5 years, my husband has worn Timex Family Connect watch. It has lots of smart phone features but we use it for tracking and fall detection only. I have an app on my phone with real time tracking map.
My husband's dementia is mid stage. He cherishes walking our dog, Lily, around the neighborhood. We have informed most neighbors of his diagnosis. I dread taking this last bit of independence from him. Lily has an 11-year walking routine that she leads. I'm not very concerned they will get lost. Keeping this cherished activity in his life is worth the minor risk involved.
AmThereToo May 8, 2024
That is great! I wish I could do the same for my Mom, but her sense of direction was rotten before dementia got her.
Geaton777 May 5, 2024
The tag has to be attached to his chair since he may not remember to take his phone.

But I agree with others that maybe it's time to end his unaccompanied wandering.

Grandma1954 May 5, 2024
There are tags that are put on luggage when traveling. You could put one of those on his power chair.
If he has a cell phone you can track him that way. But this is only good if he has the phone, the phone is charged, the phone is on.

LisaMarieA May 5, 2024
There is an app called "360" that works really well as long as he has his phone, it's "on" and you are both linked. Check it out. Best of luck.

Beatty May 5, 2024
I am wondering how safe/unsafe your Father's escapades are?

Can he judge distance to safely steer around people, dogs or objects in his path? Judge time & speed to cross roads??

Is the aim to track his whereabouts - to locate him quickly as he needs supervision? Tracking will add some safety but will it be enough? Or do you need to prevent these solo trips altogether?

JoAnn29 May 4, 2024
You need to find locks on your doors so Dad cannot get out. If round knobs, there are child covers that make it so the child cannot get out but u can open the door. There are key deadbolts. Not Fire friendly but my Uncle was never left alone. Once he passed, my cousin had them removed. There is somekind of lock you can have put highervon the door where he can't reach. If he gets mad because he can't leave the house, may be time to place him.

freqflyer May 4, 2024
Please note that Apple Airtags have a limited range of 30 feet of someone who has an iPhone. Apple discourages its use on pets due to a health risk (radio-frequency electromagnetic fields), so they would probably discourage its use on people.
Fawnby May 4, 2024
The Air Tag uses the Find My app to ping off others' Apple devices so that it's findable outside of the Bluetooth 30' range.
Fawnby May 3, 2024
An Apple air tag, which can be attached to his vehicle. Another one could be pinned to his clothes every day. You’ll need an iPhone, from which the Find My app will track him, but the time may be slightly delayed. It’s not an ideal solution.

I’d be concerned that a situation might come up that with his diminished cognitive abilities, he wouldn’t know how to manage. Or that someone familiar with his habits would exploit or harm him.
Geaton777 May 4, 2024
Attach it to his power chair if he always uses it to "escape".
Geaton777 May 3, 2024
Apple AirTag or if he has a RAZ Memory phone it already has tracking capability.


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