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Godhelpmepse Asked May 6, 2024

My 70 year old husband has become obsessed with sex and porn. He refuses to wear clothes at home even when outside in the garden.

He no longer can get an erection even when taking Viagra or Cialis. He gets angry and abusive because I won't run around naked. I'm 65 and had a mastectomy for breast cancer and NO desire to be naked, watch porn or continually talk about sex.
What am I supposed to do? It's driving me crazy.

lealonnie1 May 6, 2024
This behavior is classic symptoms of dementia known as ISB or Inappropriate Sexual Behavior. There are medications available to calm down his drive, but he'd have to be willing to take he is the Viagra and Cialis 🙄

Next time he gets abusive, call 911 and have him shipped off to the hospital for a psych evaluation.

Best of luck to you and I'm so sorry you're going thru such a thing. I really hate what dementia does to people and that there's no cure for it.
BurntCaregiver May 6, 2024

He doesn't have to be willing to take the medications. They can be given to him without his knowledge and consent if he has dementia.

If the drugs that will curb the hyper-sexual behavior can be crushed or come in liquid form, put them right in his food or drinks.
Fawnby May 6, 2024
A friend has a friend who divorced her longtime husband when he started this behavior. She didn’t care if it was due to illness or not. She couldn’t stop him and no longer wanted to be responsible.
BurntCaregiver May 6, 2024

Your friend was right. I would not live with this kind of behavior. I will not live with any abusive behavior from a man whether it's dementia-related or not.

If a person is sick with dementia or mental illness and cannot be cared for by family because they're conditions are otu of control, they belong in a care facility where a professional staff will provide their care needs.


Evamar May 6, 2024
If he gets angry and abusive call police and insist he gets help, evaluation etc.
As for running naked yourself you should refuse and not because of you mastectomy.
It is simply abusive behavior expecting wife to sit naked and watch porn.

AlvaDeer May 6, 2024
Your husband is either mentally ill or suffering from Alzheimer's if this is new behavior.
You tell us that he is refusing testing of any kind, and that you have already spoken to a doctor who says he cannot examine him without any testing. You tell us also he is irresponsible with money. (from your profile).

As I see it you have two choices:

1. See an elder law attorney and find out your options. If one is to apply for guardianship and require court ordered testing then do that. If the testing is positive (and I don't see how it cannot be) become his guardian, place him, take over finances.
2. Go to the bank and clear all the accounts you are able, putting them into your name only. Next step an attorney to file for legal separation and separation of finances.
Then tell your husband and tell him it is your way or the goodbye-highway. Any balking at anything, MOVE OUT!

I cannot imagine another option. Living with this is simply not an option.
Clearly this is NOT the man you married. If he refuses testing then there is utterly no reason to live with a total stranger, which is what he is.
NeedHelpWithMom May 6, 2024
If they already have separate accounts as many couples have, she can’t access his account.

If they have joint accounts, then this is a great solution. She will be able to leave with some money should it come down to that.

I totally agree with your statement of, her way or the highway. There will be no reasoning with him if he has dementia. It certainly sounds like he does.

If meds don’t work, she will have to leave in order to live her life in peace.
Scampie1 May 6, 2024
Yeesh! I had a client who was fairly young who refused to put on his clothes. Finally, I convinced him to at least put on a robe. He sat at the table gazing at me with an erection while eating his lunch. Dude was not wearing any underwear. He was in early stages of dementia but was in denial. He had a court order to appear in court because of sexual harrassment of a colleague. He had harrassed all of his aides and couldn't keep anyone on his case. When he put his hands on me that was it. I needed to work but not that bad.

I'm so sorry that you are going through this.

Where is he finding the porn if he has dementia? Sounds like he still has some wits about him even though he has dementia.
BurntCaregiver May 6, 2024

I would not have stuck around long enough for that client of yours to put his hands on me.
If some client won't wear clothes and is sitting their with an erection, I'm leaving. I couldn't care less if they have dementia and can't be left alone. I put a call into the agency and would tell them I'm leaving.
BurntCaregiver May 6, 2024
I read your profile and it clearly sounds like your husband has Alzheimer's or possibly some other form of dementia.
This means that he's no longer in charge and calling the shots. If he "refuses" to go to a doctor for testing, he must be forced to.

How to force him to a doctor or even into memory care is to call the police when he's running around naked. Ask the neighbors to call the police if they see him outside naked. If there are children in the neighborhood, he will get arrested and this will be the best thing that can happen because the police will involve APS. You can call them too.

You call the police when he's behaving abusively to you. Let them see him naked and tell them that you are afraid because he tried to sexually assault you and you are in fear for your safety. The cops will see that he goes to the hospital and they will determine his level of cognitive ability.

Then you get him medicated to stop the hyper-sexual behavior if you allow him to come home. Or you tell the hospital you cannot and will not care for him at home and want to get him placed in a care facility. They will do it.

If you let him come home, while he's at the hospital remove all porn from your house. Then you put parental locks on the tv so he can't order porn. You can also have software installed on your computer which will not allow him to access online porn. If this guy has a smartphone it's time to switch to a phone with no internet access. Also, any Viagra or Cialis gets destroyed. No more of that either.

funkygrandma59 May 6, 2024
Talk to his doctor and get him on some medication that will calm down his sexual urges.
You don't mention dementia in your post, but his behaviors certainly have dementia written all over it.
And if his care gets to be too much for you, start looking into getting him placed in the appropriate facility.

And I just read your profile after I posted my response, and it's clear that you are more than aware of your husband having dementia. Now you just have to get him to the right doctor to get him diagnosed and on some medication.

NeedHelpWithMom May 6, 2024

Please don’t hesitate to call 911 if you don’t feel safe in your home.

It’s truly sad that he is in denial about his behavior. You know that this isn’t normal behavior.

I agree with the other posters on this thread.

Best of luck resolving your dilemma. Sending you love, hugs and support.

Daughterof1930 May 7, 2024
There is never an excuse for abuse. Full stop. Please take steps today to protect yourself, leaving if needed. You deserve better

PeggySue2020 May 7, 2024
Even if he is rendered unable to have an erection, he will likely keep pursuing sexual interests.
AlvaDeer May 7, 2024
You are absolutely correct, PS.
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