Block voice calls, FaceTime calls, and messages from certain people in the Phone app , Tap Favorites, Recents, or Voicemail. Tap next to the number or contact you want to block, scroll down, then tap Block this Caller.
Send unknown and spam callers to voicemail: Go to Settings > Phone, then tap any of the following: Silence Unknown Callers: You get notifications for calls from people in your contacts, recent outgoing calls, and Siri Suggestions. Call Blocking & Identification: Turn on Silence Junk Callers (available with certain carriers) to silence calls identified by your carrier as potential spam or fraud.
Yes, but you need to add the specific phone numbers. If you want someone to be able to call out but not have to answer calls, you could always put it on mute.
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Send unknown and spam callers to voicemail:
Go to Settings
> Phone, then tap any of the following:
Silence Unknown Callers: You get notifications for calls from people in your contacts, recent outgoing calls, and Siri Suggestions.
Call Blocking & Identification: Turn on Silence Junk Callers (available with certain carriers) to silence calls identified by your carrier as potential spam or fraud.