Want to know if it’s worth trying to find a Medicaid facilitator in NY and if they really help. Not sure where to start I looked online but saw a list of facilitated enrollers on the state website. There was only one listed for Nassau and Suffolk county. Seems like there should be more?
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Even if you use someone to help you, you will need to supply all the info needed for the application. If LO has a Life Insurance policy with cash in value, you will need to deal with the insurance company. You will need to spend down any assets. House and car are exempt assets till death. What is a facilitator going to do? Walk u thru everything?
For my nephew, who receives Medicaid for health, it was just a matter of going to my County Social Services.
Medicaid varies by state and I've filled out the form myself and enrolled my MIL (in MN). It's not difficult but may be lengthy and will the applicant or their personal representative to provide banking and asset info, birthdates, marriage status, medical bills, address, SSN, etc. You can download this form from the Social Services (Dept of Health) website and look at it yourself.
You want a planner if you don't know if they'll qualify or when, and if there's a chance they won't qualify without a strategy, like using a Miller Trust to reduce their income level.
There's a financial lookback period on the app. In MN and most states it is 5 years. The applicant also usually needs to qualify medically.
My husband had to switch his supplemental insurance, and went to this nice lady that helped him find the supplemental insurance that best suits his needs.
And I'm in NYS so might be able to find what your looking for better.
I don't know that I have ever heard of anyone who used one anywhere. I would also not know where to begin to look for such a person. I hope your post here will bring some answers. We often see recommends here, or make them, to get the help of an elder law attorney for difficulty with application, but attorneys seem to have gone from about 300 to 500 and hour all the way up to 750.00 an hour. A result of inflation? One has to wonder.
Is www.nyconnects.gov/services/medicaid-facilitated-erollment-program where you went for help and found so few? It is the only thing out there I can find that looks legit online.
Found that with these google search-words "Program MEDICAID FACILITATED ENROLLMENT PROGRAM: (ny.gov)"
Wishing you good luck.
PS I also wonder, given youtube tells us how to do EVERYTHING if there's any tutorials on applications for Medicaid.