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LostinPlace Asked June 6, 2024

Does anyone have experience using the new Exoskeleton devices for walking? FDA/Medicare approved for stroke survivors and spinal cord injuries.

I'm looking for user feedback about any of the newly approved exoskeleton orthotic devices that are now available such as CadenceBio Kickstart, ReWalk, EksoBio, etc.

Some of them are already FDA approved and actually Medicare approved payment coverage for some of them in April, 2024.

These new devices are strapped to the body (lightweight) and enable many severely disabled stroke survivors and spinal cord paraplegics to walk again who have previously been confined to wheelchairs or bedridden.

I'm exploring this for my husband, but since these products are so new there aren't many user reviews available yet. There's been positive industry media reviews and some YouTube videos, but this is all new stuff.

Thanks in advance for any user experience with this new technology.

LostinPlace Jun 7, 2024
Hello Mac,

Thanks for your good suggestions. We need all the guidance we can get.

I've been dealing directly with the manufacturers and I *think* I understand how the products are marketed. Today I discussed the exoskeletal products with our physical therapist for his guidance, and I think I'll also contact my husband's neurologist for his advice. I think there won't be a problem with hubby's capability to follow directions - but that's also a very good point.

Anyway, we intend take this Very slowly every step of the way (no pun intended!).

We are currently scheduling a video appointment with a specialist at CadenceBio (Kickstart) who will assess my husband's potential suitability for the product. CadenceBio also has Kickstarts currently in use for patients at several rehab facilities across the USA. The closest facility to us is in Atlanta where we've been invited to go if we'd like to try out the Kickstart product.

Really appreciate any and all feedback from the forum!

MACinCT Jun 6, 2024
You might have to ask his spinal doctor since it already FDA approved. You can also contact the manufacturer about how it is marketed. The big question is the stroke and ability to follow directions. You can adk the manufacturer if they are planning research with post stroke


LostinPlace Jun 6, 2024
I definitely will.

If you're curious Alva, check out the website to see their Kickstart product.

This is sci-fi stuff that's actually real. I'm sure that as the technology/medical industry matures these kinds of products will become even more effective and mainstream. I wonder whether they might make wheelchairs and wheelchair vans obsolete sooner rather than later.

Pretty exciting!

AlvaDeer Jun 6, 2024
Never heard of them and if you gain experience of them I sure hope you will tell us all about them.


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