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Amrhyne98 Asked June 13, 2024

What to do with the pet of a dementia patient?

My MIL recently had to move into our home due to the fact that she can’t take proper care of herself. She forgets to shower, eat, etc. and she is a diabetic. She has a yorkie that is her absolute best friend, but she fails to let the dog out during the day or at all. Another one of the reasons why she had to move in with us is because her house was covered with dog feces and fleas. The dog is not house trained and is about 4 years old. When we scold the dog for using the bathroom in the house, she gets angry with us and says “he’s just a puppy,” but he’s not. If you take the dog outside he will use the bathroom outside, but me and my husband are both at work from 8am-7pm most days. If me or my husband let the dog outside she becomes frantic. She is constantly holding the dog so we won’t let him outside. He uses the bathroom in the house and of course on the rugs if not the hardwood floor because she fails to take him outside. When he does use the bathroom inside, she picks it up with a paper towel and never uses any actual cleaning products to clean the floor where he used the bathroom at. I know if we were to take him away from her she would be very upset/depressed but we are coming to our wits end. I’m not such what other options we have. She doesn’t remember a lot of things, but she remembers the dog and when he is not near her, she starts looking for him franticly and calling his name. Any suggestions??

AlvaDeer Jun 13, 2024
BeckyB4u has the answer for you below. KUDOS to BeckyB.
Doggie diapers. On when you leave, off when you return.

Your senior has some dementia. Clearly you know that and posted this under it.
Take her dog from her and you have essentially taken that single last thing she has to lose.
She already LOST her mind.
There is likely nothing so divisive on AgingCare as a discussion of our pets and I would say that is reflected on any social media. That is because the pet lovers among us are nuts; (I am one and am not so unwise at 81/83 respectively to get another pet to burden our kids when we crump, but AM still keeping my hand in with fostering; Her name is Frieda; want to adopt?)

To be honest, our pets, for those who love them have been the single thing to keep us sane from age 3 to 103. They are non judgemental beings we can cuddle, who will love us no matter WHAT we have done that is not lovable. They don't care. They simple attach themselves to us like a parasite (or WE TO THEM?).

To deprive a senior nearing end of life, of a pet, is often unavoidable.
It is, however, to my mind at least, a worse blow than the final loss of our minds. We SEE that coming. We know even when you think we don't. But if we can just snuggle down with that pet to listen to a podcast, to drift off, then there is at least that one good moment.

Don't think for a second I don't sympathize with the fact you have an incontinent pet. But I do think that Becky's idea is the one to try, last ditch effort. I remember my mother's last days. When she could no longer muster up the courage to be brave before us any longer. When it was all lost and she snapped even at me "Stop treating me like a NURSE" (I was one then). ONLY the soft fur of a visiting bunny at the care home.....................only that, her one finger moving through its fur. Only that, her last connection with every animal (of the 100s?) she had rescued, saved and loved....only THAT brought a smile to her face.
I suspect, for me, it will be the same. Let my finger trail through that fur. There is nothing of rational thinking in all of this. As you have observed, lordy, it's a mess.
I am just saying..................Put soil into my hands from my garden. Or let me trail my finger throug the fur of a pet. At the end.
Hopeforhelp22 Jun 15, 2024
HI Alva - I just loved your message - it's so beautiful, meaningful and heartfelt brought tears to my eyes.
Hopeforhelp22 Jun 15, 2024
Hi Amrhy - I'm a die-hard yorkie lover - I've had yorkies for my entire life since I was 4 years old. So, firstly, PLEASE do not scold the yorkie - it's one has trained the dog and so what would you expect? Yelling at the yorkie will only change their personality and make them timid and fearful ...I literally cringed when I read that part of your message.

A yorkie can easily be paper trained on a wee-wee pad if they need to go to the bathroom inside. (you can order wee-wee pads on Amazon or any pet supply store). You can place the pad in an area of your choice and I'm sure there are youtube videos to provide steps on how to teach the dog. And you should always be praising the yorkie when they learn each time to use the pad...positive reinforcement. Yorkies love praise. But, that's not in replacement of walking the yorkie...and you've gotten GREAT advice from so many dog lovers on this post - regarding the caregiver walking the dog as a regular routine (ideally every 4 hours) - or hire a dog walker ...this will help to create a routine for the yorkie. That's very important.

It's upsetting to hear how much pressure you're placing on this dog, without any training...would you expect the same from a baby?

The yorkie is still young enough to break old habits and become trained...they're very smart - and they love doing the right thing, and they're actually the easiest, most precious little dogs...the key is "routine and a proper schedule."

Wishing you all the very best ~


JoAnn29 Jun 13, 2024
Does Mom suffer from Dementia? I so hope she is not being left alone all this time. Dementia is very unpredictable.

The dog, I would not even have brought him to my house under these circumstances. Years ago I obtained a poodle a woman was abusing because he did his business in the house. I was told by a neighbor its because the owner never let him out when he needed to go. We had no problem with him. As soon as he started sniffing around, out he went. He got the idea. But, my Mom was home all day.

If you are leaving Mom alone, you may consider an aide while you work. One of her duties would be the dog. Maybe it can be retrained. I have also read that small dogs can be trained to a litter box.

PeggySue2020 Jun 13, 2024
You either have to take him to doggie daycare or he has to be rehomed, with the therapeutic fibs that accompany this.

Grandma1954 Jun 13, 2024
Mom has dementia and can not care for herself yet you expect her to care for a dog?
Since you and your husband work who is staying with mom while you are gone? You can't leave her brought her into your house because it was not safe for her to be alone in her house.
You have to hire caregiver that will care for mom while you are gone and the caregiver also cares for the dog.
Mom is moved to Memory Care and someone is hired to care for the dog. The dog CAN be trained.
Or the dog is rehomed. But this option would probably send m om in a rapid decline.
NeedHelpWithMom Jun 13, 2024
I wondered if they were leaving the mother in law alone too.

They both work. They can’t stay with her.

Hopefully, they have hired caregivers to be with her.
Fawnby Jun 13, 2024
To me it would be important that mom keep her dog. It would also be important not to be cleaning up its poop. How about getting a doggie door?

Your mom shouldn't be staying home alone at all. She should have caregivers, and in that case, they'd let the dog out.

heart500 Jun 18, 2024
Your MIL essentially has full blown dementia and is incapable of caring for herself. You and your husband are very busy working 11 - 12 hours per day and are, I am sure, understandably overwhelmed. I realize that the Yorkie is a comfort to MIL but it is cruel and abusive to have the pup live in those circumstances. I have three small Shih Tzu so I know what I am talking about. I have two suggestions. 1.). Research a Yorkie Specific Rescue which would be able to provide the best placement for the pup. I'm in CT but if you need help locating one, I'll see what I can find out for you. 2.). Before doing this, purchase an exact replica of your Mom's Yorkie from CuddleClones. Pricey but they do an amazing job and she will still be able to cuddle with an exact replica of her beloved pet. Her agitation and unwillingness to let go even for the dog to go outside for bathroom breaks is a sign of anxiety issues and she may need to be medicated. I'm sure that her physician can address this. If eventually MIL relocates to a home for care, the stuffed pet can accompany her. Win-win. Wishing all of you the best.

Sha1911 Jun 15, 2024
The person staying with your MIL from 8-7 should be taking the dog out throughout the day.

Check the internet for artificial potty grass. There's a number of different brand names, designs, and sizes.

If a doggy door is possible, consider that but it's going to have to be trained to use it.

Taarna Jun 15, 2024
Most dogs are pack animals and want to please the leaders of the pack - you. Put the dog on a regular schedule - food, bathroom breaks outside, etc. Might consider somebody to come in during the day to give the dog a regular bathroom break - and a walk. Also consider getting the dog groomed - get rid of the fleas and make the dog "pretty". The "owner" might benefit for some mild anti-anxiety medications so she stops interfering with good care of her pet and your home.

Jamesj Jun 18, 2024
She needs the love and companionship of that dog. If there is anything you can do to keep the dog, please do. It doesn't sound like she needs to be left alone while youre at work, let alone the dog. She should be able to get "at home care" for several hours a day or if you know someone who could pop in and make her lunch and let the dog out....that would kill two birds...
sp196902 Jun 18, 2024
The dog needs to not be around a demented person. But I guess what the dog needs doesn't matter.
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