i moved my parents in with me and my family after mom could no longer care for my dad in her own. Dad is in hospice total bedridden and mom developed Alzheimer’s.
my sibling was getting weekly financial help from mom. When their bank finally recognized my POA. I put a stop to that “allowance” Sibling retaliated by accusing me several times to APS.
there is an ongoing investigation according to the APS worker even though she has rendered no paperwork?
I’ve consulted with different elder attorneys no one is interested in taking my case?!
I have a file box with receipts, bank statements etc. I haven’t been able to return to work because I take care of both parents 24/7.
I need help, I recently was able to get an aide for parents about 5 hrs a day.
The caseworker is constantly calling me to remind me she’s still investigating this. That causes so much stress as all I’ve done last 3yrs is give excellent care to both parents. Hospice staff is shocked of what I’m going through as they are a witness to my good care.
2 Answers
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Your problem is not how you are caring for Mom and Dad, your problem is brother wanting his money. He is trying to say you are spending it incorrectly. You just need to prove your spending their money on them.
I would call APS and talk to the caseworkers supervisor. Tell that person no paperwork has been received and this waiting is very stressful. Your caring for a father on hospice and a mother with ALZ. Ask how many times can your brother keep reporting you for the same thing? I assume they found nothing previously so what are they going to find now?
I suggest that when Dad passes you place Mom. This may take you off brother's radar. If he is saying the place is not caring for Mom, then APS deals with the facility. As long as you keep good records and APS can see the money coming in and going out, you can't be brought up on financial elder abuse,
Good to know they are doing their job.
You told us the history of brother getting his "allowance" and your having stopped it.
You say you have meticulous records.
You say Hospital compliments you on your care.
Great, then. Open your home to APS and your files and records.
What in the world are you worried about.
Trust me, no one wants more than APS to tell your bro "no case here." Open your home and your phone to them and with no grounds then what is there to worry about.
Then let us consider the worst case screnario.
The APS will say "We don't think you capable of this care and will petition the court to appoint a Fiduciary". LET THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be quite honest, WHAT A RELIEF! It is all off you. No one will ever give bro a dime. You can go back to being the dearly beloved visiting daughter.
What in the world do you have to lose here? And WHY would you want an attorney? Answer any questions asked. If you can't answer it say "I have no answer to that". They will make their decision and I for one am glad they take reports seriously whether there are grounds or no.