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Arthur120 Asked June 24, 2024

Bedbound grandfather's toilet routine is messy and causing immense stress for his caregivers. How can we fix this?

So my 85 year old grandfather can no longer walk - he spends all day either in bed, or is moved to a chair.


His caregivers (his 85 year old wife and 60 year old daughter) are becoming increasingly desperate and stressed dealing with him. He takes water tablets and also has a prostate issue so is FREQUENTLY needing to urinate - he feels the urge to go at least once an hour.


They used to make him wear adult diapers/nappies/pads and would clean him up after but due to how frequently he needs to go, they stopped this.


His current routine is as follows:


1. He shouts that he needs to 'go'
2. He pulls down his diaper/nappy
3. His wife (my grandfather) fetches a bottle, he places 'himself' inside the bottle and urinates


That's what's meant to happen.


However, as he is always sitting when he does this (he cannot stand up to urinate), most of the time his urine ends up spraying upwards, as he has difficulty "aiming". This means he nearly always ends up urinating over himself and on the chair under him and again needs cleaning up.


They have tried different bottles with different shaped openings, no luck.


How can they fix this?


How can he urinate whilst sitting down without causing a mess/spilling/spraying urine? Is there a particular device or a bottle with a better design he could use.


Please do not suggest catheters or similar as this is not feasible for them.



waytomisery Jun 24, 2024
Is grandpa on hospice , or is he having any help come in to give your relatives a break ?

Even an anti strip suit may not be easy for an 85 and 60 year old to manage with a bedridden person .

Grandpa is calling the shots here . This has to change . The caregivers call the shots now so they don’t end up exhausted and in the hospital themselves . Grandpa needs to wear nappies again .
And if he pees a little at a time it will pull the moisture away . Just like a babies diaper . It may not be necessary to change it every hour or after just one small pee .

Perhaps grandpa is not able to understand that this is killing his wife and daughter , dementia ???

Either way , his stubbornness is an issue .
When an elderly is uncooperative with family and thinks they are the boss , then they need to be taken care of by “ non family “. I suggest that you strongly encourage placement for grandpa before one or both of these women collapse .
sp196902 Jun 25, 2024
"When an elderly is uncooperative with family and thinks they are the boss , then they need to be taken care of by “ non family “. I suggest that you strongly encourage placement for grandpa before one or both of these women collapse ." Exactly this Way.
lealonnie1 Jun 25, 2024
This man needs to wear a disposable brief 24/7 and urinate in IT. You've said all the other options won't work, so what's left? There are no plastic urinals made that I'm aware of for adults with extra small genitals, so that forces you to use what IS available, and not working. Why should your grandmother suffer like this when he can just use a brief like so many other elders???

Either that or place him in managed care where he'll be fitted with a disposable brief. Nobody is going to come running every hour to help grandpa urinate in a bottle where he sprays urine everywhere, it's unrealistic and unfair to caregivers everywhere.

Part of old age and infirmity is recognizing and accepting our limitations w/o insisting others sacrifice their lives to accommodate our wishes.
waytomisery Jun 25, 2024
Yes ! Especially love the last sentence .


waytomisery Jun 24, 2024
Maybe you aren’t familiar with this type .

A Texas catheter goes on like a condom . This could work for them all .
It is literally a condom , the end of it is connected to tubing and a urine collection bag . No pain , nothing internal . Very easy to use .

He can pee normally when he needs too, whether he is in bed or chair .
Essentially it is the same as your bottle method but without the mess .

It can be left on for periods of time as well , to avoid on and off and accidents .
Arthur120 Jun 24, 2024
Thanks for the suggestion - I spoke to an incontinence nurse about this but to be blunt - his genitalia isn't suitable for a device like this.
Daughterof1930 Jun 25, 2024
Simply put, this seems untenable and even cruel to all involved. An 85 year old wife and daughter should not be in such an impossible position, trying to accomplish what cannot reasonably be done. An elderly man who cannot stand shouldn’t have to yell and have urine going all over. Just a disaster over and over daily. He needs to be in adult diapers full time with others to help as he’s now a two person assist. The health cost to all involved is far too high in a home setting without outside daily help coming in
sp196902 Jun 25, 2024
According to OP he does wear diapers but he pulls them down and the piss goes everywhere.
Geaton777 Jun 25, 2024
What would you consider a solution?

He no longer gets to call the "shots" (sorry for the pun).

Disposable briefs + anti-strip jumpsuit (

He will get adjust to going into the brief. He's heading in that direction no matter what, even in a facility. No one is going to attend to him every hour on the hour. And you shouldn't, either.
waytomisery Jun 25, 2024
“ He’s heading in that direction no matter what “.

My mother used to say “ We leave this world the same way we start out , Bald , no teeth and in diapers “ .
olddude Jun 28, 2024
Get him out of the house and into an AL facility. He is too much for his family to deal with at home.

JeanLouise Jun 28, 2024
It is time for placement in a skilled nurse facility. His wife and daughter are being worked to death.

JoAnn29 Jun 25, 2024
Maybe time to place him.

BurntCaregiver Jun 25, 2024
It sounds like it may be time to place him, but what if he started using a condom catheter? They are non-invasive and he can sit there and peeing the day long anf all they'd have to do is change the catheter collection bag.
sp196902 Jun 25, 2024
The OP says his anatomy is so tiny that he cannot use a condom catheter or any other method of controlling his urine it seems.
waytomisery Jun 25, 2024
Hollister makes a urinary collection bag for men who can not use a condom catheter . It’s basically a colostomy bag with clamped tubing at bottom that can emptied ( into a urinal or the toilet ) .

I doubt this would work though because grandpa pulls off his diaper and yells for the bottle. I suspect he would pull off colostomy type bag as well . He probably won’t understand while the bag has adhesive and sticks on his skin.

But thought I would mention it for someone else who has a relative who may understand and could use this .

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