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Sandydan Asked June 25, 2024

Anyone have experience with loved one that has bone and blood infections that have been undergoing antibiotic infusions?

Dad has bone infection in hip and blood infection sepsis that they are treating with antibiotics infusions, but he is in alot of pain. If we stop the antibiotics we do not know what will happen. How long do we continue this before we call in hospice??

AMZebbC Jun 25, 2024
My uncle (NY State) was able to receive IV antibiotics and palliative care with pain management in the hospital. I requested a hospice evaluation with the full knowledge that if he did qualify all medications to treat the infection would cease. He did not qualify for Hospice but was under palliative care for 10 day before being discharged to rehab and now long term care. He had a PICC line for the IV antibiotics for 8 weeks. He recovered from the infection and is now on 3 month oral antibiotic. His MOLST directive authorized the IV antibiotic.

Is your father in the hospital? You (or health care proxy) can request an evaluation with the attending physician. I wish you the best of luck.

Sandydan Jun 25, 2024
He is very aware of everything going on. His pcp has him on oxy cr every 12 hrs and 1 oxy every 6 but it does not help. Hospice said he would have to stop antibiotics if they step in and no pain drs will take him on as patient. He has pallative care nurse but dr will not increase or change pain meds


Grandma1954 Jun 25, 2024
What do his doctors say?
And more important if dad is cognizant what does he say. (If dad is not cognizant I would probably contact Hospice)
First and foremost he should not be in pain.
Does your dad have any other medical condition that would make him eligible for Hospice?
Hospice will allow treatment of an infection. So it is possible he could continue the antibiotics and still qualify for Hospice.
It may be that he would qualify for Palliative Care if he does not qualify for Hospice and the Palliative Care Team would monitor him and if he became Hospice eligible the transition from Palliative to Hospice would be fast and easy.


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