As a result of my 3 strokes I have lost strength in my left side and sensation in my bladder. When I get the message that its full its usually too late and I don't make it to the bathroom; hence I wear Depends. I've been using the Purewick at night for about a month and it works like a dream! If you were like me, even the Night time Depends don't truly work through the night! I hated that!!! The Purewick stops you waking up to wet PJs and bedsheets!! Praise God!! I was at my wits end!! I read some other posts that the motor was too loud and I disagree; I think it sounds like a "white noise"-type of hum. The loudest part is when your urine pours into the pitcher. With my situation, I find the Purewick 100 % worth every penny! Sweet dreams!!
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