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GOODDAUGHTER8 Asked July 30, 2024

Did Judge break the law when I am the least restrictive alternative to guardianship?

I have all the legal power of taking care of my parents giving to me by my parents. The Florida State state that I have the power. An unknown to the family, total stranger to the family attorney filed a "petition for mental health" and "petition for guardianship" without follow the Florida Rules of the Court for filing petitions. The judge did not care. The judge allow this total stranger to speak and asked a professional process server serve the petition. I asked who is the petitioner? The judge said it does not matter. Simply ignored me. And smile to that predatory attorney who show up inside the courtroom without notice of appearance. I did not know his name until all the harm are done to me and my mother. Even with every step of the force court appearance the judge will have court orders signed contrary to the Florida Statues. For instance, all the DPOA, my parents trusts and will was intentionally ignored. The harms? My mother was placed into court oversight guardianship without her knowledge, consent and signature. She did not ask for it. All the judge and predatory attorney taken was judge sign court granted award attorney fees and predatory attorney using the court order to take money from my mother's financial accounts without her knowledge, consent and signature. I am my mother's Social Security payee, Medicare Representative, and I have DPOA, I am a Trustee and also one of the beneficiaries. Between the total stranger judge and total stranger predatory attorney they stole more than $700000 dollars of my mother's money and estate money while I am using my own money to support my mother's daily living expense. I forgot to mention that doctors came to my mothers house with not a licensed Florida doctors! I check later on and found that out. The judge said and in support in the court transcript that if I don't allow these doctors to come inside my mother's house to exam her I will be contempt of court and he will put me in jail indefinitely then who can take care of my mother? Then he appoint a forced placed attorney who later on asked for $10,701 dollars for her watching me to allow these predators inside my mother's house to exam her. My mother order them to leave her house and tried to scratch them when they try to touch her. The just declare her totally incapacitated so they can start stealing from her and later on from me for my inheritance. The judge also sign a court order to evict me from my own inheritance house. Then using predatory criminal judge and predatory prosecutor put me in jail for making inheritance distribution to myself and my siblings. My inheritance house was sold by using another predatory attorney to conduct both transactions. The title search will show I am the owner of my parents house! The first illegal sale was on 12/15/2020 for $315,000 and second sale was on 4/5/2021 for $565,000. I did not receive any proceed from the illegal sale. The sole owner of title company issue title for the first illegal sale and the second one. So you see these kind of stealing is using void court orders for purpose of stealing money from the two generation of elderly! I still did not receive my vested inheritance distribution because of all these illegal void court orders. What can people do when judge is committed crime by signing court order that he did not have authority to sign?

AlvaDeer Jul 30, 2024
I will refer you to an attorney in your area to handle your complex case. If a judge rules against you there is little else to be done. None of us here could possibly know what is going on in a complicated case such as yours, but certainly we CAN wish you the best of luck.

MACinCT Jul 30, 2024
You are describing the court process when APS, doctors, or social workers feel there is neglect. The process of assigning a consevervator or guardian can be read in your story and probate court. It becomes all about the parents and not all about you and your perceived inheritance.
You feel that you are losing an inheritance, a home and your parents. Yet all of their money is going into their care, paid fo by professionals. And since those homes were sold a while ago, you lost a lot of time in the process. The way you fight the courts is by defense and a good lawyer. You are getting the same answer from others.


freqflyer Jul 30, 2024
GOODDAUGHTER8, you really need to speak with an Elder Law Attorney, such attorneys specialize in these types of matters.

JoAnn29 Jul 30, 2024
You are on the wrong forum. We are Caregivers, not lawyers. You need to find a lawyer that will help you straighten this out. Too confusing to us. You should have had a lawyer to protect ur interests.


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