
My nephew lives with my mom whom am applying for her to get on title 19. He pays nothing just there at night to make her dinner and make sure she is safe at night. Do I need to list him as living with her

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What is the address on his drivers license?
Does he get mail at the address?
If yes then that is his legal address.
Paid caregivers that do overnights do not say that the clients home is where they live.
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Reply to Grandma1954

Like to add, if mom should get beyond what the nephew can do for caregiving AND she ends up going into a NH and files for LTC Medicaid to pay her custodial care costs, nephews being listed at living in her home for a period of time prior to her entering a NH can work in his and moms POA favor.

Why? Well it’s bc LTC Medicaid kinda expects that if the elder now in a NH (& filed for LTC Medicaid) continues to keep their home, then if someone is living in it (while elder is living in a NH) rather than having it be vacant, then they should be paying rent. & FMV rent! Rent would be income added to whatever other income she has (eg her SS retirement income) less some degree of property management costs. So renting means PoA has to suss out property costs out, tax filings for rental, and dealing with addl income reporting which effects moms eligibility for LTC Medicaid. But if the person was living there prior to mom ever going into a facility, then they are should be ok to stay without paying rent. Nephew should have his drivers license and other items done to show he is a legal resident of the address. He is not a tenant or a squatter but a non rent paying resident at the property.

Whether or not nephew can file in the future an exemption to Medicaid estate recovery, as he’s a heir as er moms will, that will be dependent on just how your State runs that after death Medicaid program. That’s more of an experienced with Medicaid probate & elder law atty question to answer for you.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to igloo572

You need to answer all questions on the form truthfully.
If there is a question that asks who lives with your mom then you list who lives with her.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

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