
We live in a rural community and for 19 years my husband has gone to the mail box to take mail and to get the mail everyday, he has always enjoyed this task. Our box is on the opposite side of our busy road. But now he walks very very slow and I have been told today that he has almost been hit. How do I approach him without taking this dignity from him and at the same time protect him. I am very new to this and he has in the last few months been less aware of what is happening. The days of the week, telephone numbers, names, less attentive of his apperance, constant complaining, always hurting and more things going on. He has not been officially diagionsed with Dementia but I see the signs as my mom had dementia. I know that he still has some normality about him so I feel as thou I am being mean but in the same breath, I want to keep him safe.

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Dress him in a neon colored reflective vest like a school crossing guard. You should be able to get that at a sporting goods store. Or get a PO Box unless he is an unsafe driver. Then you drive.
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Same suggestion as Littletonway. Perhaps you can take away any stigma he might feel by commenting that it's a beautiful day and you'd just like to be outside. Then perhaps take a little walk a little ways past the mailbox to make the ruse seem convincing. Comment on any birds or squirrels you see to make a brief nature outing.

I'm not sure what excuse to use when it's pouring down rain though, although perhaps you could offer to hold the umbrella for him.
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Why not suggest you go together?
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