
Almost every day I break down sobbing because my beautiful queen of 61 years is not under this roof

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Of course you are, if you weren't it would probably more concerning.

Your mourning your husband everyday, because you are loosing pieces of her.

I'm so sorry 😔 🙏
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Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Jul 10, 2024
I'm sorry, just reread, where I said husband, I ment wife. 🙏
Dementia is a HORRIBLE disease, and it does rob us often of those we love most.
You are grieving the love of your life even though she is still alive and that is quite normal, especially when someone has dementia, as it slowly robs us of the person we once knew.
But take heart. Your wife is still in there somewhere and she knows that you love and care for her very much.
So make the most of the time you get to spend with her, and be grateful that she is now receiving the 24/7 care she requires and you can just now be her loving husband and advocate, and not her burned out caregiver.
My the Lord bless you and keep you as you take this very difficult journey with your wife.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to funkygrandma59
swissman82 Jul 9, 2024
Thank you for your supportive response. My precious wife Cheri has been in a memory care facility for just over a year now. It's only 1 mile from our house, and I visit her twice weekly for lunch. She's doing fairly well and remembers me, often telling me that she loves and misses me. This journey has been hard and heartbreaking for sure. Almost the same week in 2023 that she had to be placed in a facility I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In the Fall of 2023 I underwent 11 weeks of radiation treatments. I'm at stage 3 and praise Jesus it has not spread. However the radiation treatments caused radiation cystitis that has greatly damaged my bladder. On the bright and glorious side of all of this dilemma in January of 2024 I returned my faith in my Father in heaven and my Savior Jesus. I laid everything down at His feet and He has been walking with me every day since. Again thank you so much for your kind understanding and support. I wish you and your family a blessed day everyday and please do keep in touch. Praising Him forever, Robert
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Yes, I cry too. My hubby is still here with me under our roof, but not really. He is "gone" most of the time. I do cry becasue I hurt for him so badly and there is nothing I do that helps the situation. I am sorry for your pain.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to memaw2four

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