
My Father is in Assisted Living. His care levels have increased to the point where we are paying over $11,000 a month. Although his death is not expected in the next 6 months or so I have hospice there to give additional assistance. His facility recently changed the point system they use to give value to different sections of his Care Plan. ( his care fees increased by $880 a month). The hospice aid gives him a sponge bath twice a week. In his care plan we are being assessed 210 points for that even though his facility is not providing the service. The Director told me that since it’s in his Care Plan they are responsible for making sure it is done. For example if for some reason the Hospice Aide didn’t show up the facility would bathe him. But that has never happened. That makes no sense to me. They are not providing the service. Has anyone had issues like this?

I have always wondered about that. I would call an Ombudsman to see if this is legal.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to JoAnn29

Yep. Same.

Before my mother graduated from Hospice, her MC was more than happy to let Hospice give my mother her showers and bill us the same rates we always paid.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to cxmoody

Yes, responsible for that and a good deal more, for the "accidents" that happen when it isn't bath day, for the two baths on a day when one was needed, but now there's been an incident.
The fact is that they are not going to do a "7 days minus 2". The fact is that without hospice they may be asking for you to get in a one on one private aid. The fact is that they are running things and it is their fules.

You sure can try what you are doing with a great attitude and who knows. You may WIN! I wish you the best.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to AlvaDeer
Mds1954 Dec 4, 2024
They are already suggesting that I hire someone to sit with him 3 or 4 days a week !
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