
My grandson is 17yrs and my granddaughter is 15yrs, they both share helping me with my disabilitys. Is there any financial help available for them please. TY

Probably only if you can afford to pay them for their hourly help.
Much of this will depend upon if you are on any special state or local programs, if you are currently on Medicaid, and any special policies your State may have in place.

I suspect they will be paid only if you can pay them. And if you pay them you need to do it with care, saying what tasks they did and what they were paid. For instance a small notebook or diary kept daily that says "30.00 to Melissa for an hour work cleaning the kitchen, taking out garbage, mowing lawn and walking the dog". You don't want it to look as though you are gifting the grands because if you ever need Medicaid or other governmental assistance any suspicion of gifting can stop your getting help.
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