
elderly lady had a paralegal with 5 witness write up a will. The property was willed to her friend who lived on property for 18 years. Prior to that the elderly lady was in court with a legal matter concerning sister and was appointed a lawyer. That case was settled. The judge appointed him. He did nothing for her but charged her $10,000. he continued to charge her for 17 month. On June 13th 2023 the woman who has a home paid for worth 1.5 million. On 22 acres of land. Had $800,000 in Stocks and Bonds. She made a will to her friend to inherit all the property. It was written up by a Paralegal and witness by 5 honest friends. 13 days later that Lawyer went to her home told her to sign papers for a Fudisuary to help her manage her finances so she agree. Without letting any one know he had her sign himself as the Power of Attorney. The people in the home at the time were only aware of him having sign for a Fudisuary. the lawyer then hired a Fudisuary. Once that was done they had her pay $201,000 for paving the road up to her home . Five neighbors paid $19,000 for their share of the road. Fudisuary on her own accord without asking home owner ,had pave it up to her door. elderly lady was not aware that they had commission the asphalt company to charge her for the extra paving of the road. then Fudisuary had the friend who was living in the home caring for elderly lady charged with elderly abuse and evicted from the house. He reside on the property in a trailer that he owns. The Fudisuary went to court and allowed lies to be told of the friend. The judge did not talk to any of the 5 witness who went to stand up for him. They allowed home carer to talk and made up lies that he locked the elderly lady in her room and locked her out of a bathroom . Judge said to defendants’s lawyer ,” I see he has 5 friend we can give him points for that. Needless to say my friend lost and then that’s when Fudisuary had a restraining order put on elderly’s friend of 18 years. They took the elderly ladies phone away . They don’t let her out of the home to walk down to her long time friends trailer. The lady had 3 cats . The Fudisuary allowed care worker take her pet dog to work and chase the ladies beloved cats out of the home. They would not feed them or give them water. Over 2 weeks they were left on their own outside.A worker did capture two cats the mother and son. The female kitten well who knows what became of her. I took the two cats in. The friend got a 3 day eviction notice . He went to court and got a month stay. The lady got out of her home came down to the property and found friend and cried she had not seen him in a long time. Care worker yelled and told her to get back to the house . The elderly lady told the worker to shut  ___ up. The worker grabbed and took her back to the house and called police on my friend. He called police to explain that she came down. They told him he’s to stay away from her no matter what. Friend asked would if she had fallen. Police told him leave her lay and call 911 and go away from her. I don’t understand how this is okay to treat this dear sweet woman this way. I worked for her and I spent the weekend Friday to Sunday afternoon plus some days during the week and saw no abuse at all. . They know she has this property , they are fixing it up to sell and put her in a care facility home. Which she does not want . In the last 10 months since January 2024 her Stocks and Bond are now at $400,000 or less from all the expenses, to where this house will be sold and she placed in a care facility her Friend does not have the money to fight these lawyer and Fudisuary. A lot of the elderly lady’s friend know what happing to her is wrong. A prisoner in her own home. What can be done. .she has been losing her memory each day and they take advantage of that fact. Now she can’t fight on her own to do anything to help her friend who she cares for. They use their knowledge of laws and use them to their advant

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We of course can have no idea what has occurred here.
We are not involved, and are not hearing all sides. But this is what it SOUNDS like.

1. The elderly lady was taken to court because some member/s of her family believed that she was confused and no longer competent enough to manage her financial and legal affairs and circumstances.
2. The elderly lady was supplied, as you said, an attorney to represent her interests.
3. It sounds as though the court came to the JUDGEMENT that this lady was not capable of safely handling her financial affairs, perhaps because of a diagnosis of dementia, or because of appearing incompetent before the court
4. The court, in absence of any family member who wished to serve as guardian made the elderly lady a "ward of the court" and appointed a "conservator" to manage all of her affairs. The conservator appointed a "Licensed Fiduciary" to handle all ongoing financial aspects of this lady's life.
5. If the courts believe that a "friend" of this dear woman was financially abusing her, then they will get a "stay away" or restraining order that will make it impossible for that person to visit her.

There are often cases in our country of people losing their mental capacity and being taken advantage of by "friends". I am not saying that's the case here; I don't know anyone involved. But it appears that this lady was "Judged incompetent" before the court, and for her own protection she is now in their custody.
You are correct that they will now manage ALL ASPECTS of her life.
The Fiduciary will be able to:
1. Gather all her assets
2. Make any and all necessary repairs to her home
3. Sell her home and create accounts for her placement and care
4. Place her in care for her safety.

This is the way of the courts of our land.
I am very sorry for all involved; there is often consternation and disagreement and grief in these cases.
I wish you the best. I hope all will remain a supportive and loyal friend and visit this lovely lady.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

Jojo1956, welcome to the forum. Curious where you are getting all of this information? Is it from the elderly lady?
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Reply to freqflyer
AlvaDeer Oct 15, 2024
Or from the "friend" of the lady?
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